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My Garden!

I’ve recently become a huge fan of gardening! My husband and I started our first garden a year ago and had planted tomatoes, jalapenos, watermelons, green onions and a few other things.

The green onions we used a lot and got a lot of produce from and really enjoyed having those but the others didn’t really do much for us. We didn’t go out frequently to check on them or water the plants and ended up kind of forgetting about them thinking they were all dead.

Then our watermelon plant started producing all these watermelons!! We got about 8 I think but since we had neglected watering the plant they never fully produced. They would start splitting or just not be fully red in the center when they were done on the outside.

Then this last fall our Jalapeno plant started putting out all these peppers!! We were so surprised! It is still producing and producing like crazy at that! We get TONS of peppers off that plant! They used to be really hot (which my husband liked) but now that we have been watering them regularly they are much more mild.

Anyways about a month and a half ago we started planting some spring crops! And we’ve done a few more seeds and starts since then and I got to say my garden is just so fun!

We love going out there everyday and watching the plants grow! Especially when they first sprout from their seeds it’s just too cool! I was totally surprised at the pumpkin and sunflower sprouts as they were HUGE like 1″ leaves as their very first sprouting leaves!! Totally surprised me!

Anyways I took some pictures to show off my garden as of today. I’ll post a few more times over the season to show you when they start producing!

Garden Bed 1 – Garlic (back right corner), Dill, Basil, Oregano, Parsley, Cilantro, Green Onions and Bell Peppers (which I don’t think are going to sprout..)

Garden Bed 2 – Carrots, Beans, 2 varieties of Mint (donated to us as starts!), Parsley, Spinach, and 2 varieties of Lettuce.

my garden

Garden Bed 3 – Strawberries, and Corn. We have some extra room in this bed we haven’t filled yet.

My Garden! IMG 3096Medium

Garden Bed 4 – Tomatoes (3 varieties – Regular, Roma, and Grape Tomatoes) and Onions (Walla Walla and Red Onions)

Garden Bed 4 Cont. – Jalapeno Plant, Chili Pepper, Habanero Pepper, Beans, Cantaloupe, Little Pumpkins, Sunflowers, and Pumpkins.

And My Mandarin Orange Tree!! Hopefully we’ll have our first fruit this year! Last year they were hollow but this will be year 4 since we planted it so very likely we’ll have produce this year! There are a ton of buds on it this year

The Deal Diva

Friday 9th of April 2010

Happy Friday Follow! I'm your newest follower. Hope you'll take a minute to come visit mine to find some hot deals on all kinds of goodies!Micael :D

Scarlet of Moms Wear

Thursday 8th of April 2010

I am following you now on twitter and with GFC.I love your garden photos. i just planted mine too!


Thursday 8th of April 2010

so the corn..i laughed at my husband last year when he wanted to do corn, because i think of it as a large space plant. each plant only gets one or two ears of corn if you're lucky and the birds don't eat the ones you do get, so with our little space I thought it a waste of energy. but you have done it right. you do not plant in rows you plant 2 seeds in each of four corners of a rectangular block because they need to pollinate off each other. of the two seedlings you pull the weaker one. radishes in between help with growth and flavor. i mentioned the space because if you want a decent amount of corn you probably needs some more plants.


Wednesday 7th of April 2010

you will need all of that room for the corn, but a good companion plant in between the corn is radishes


Wednesday 7th of April 2010

following from the fb fan stuff today. i love that hibiscus i have tried to grow one in colorado and have not had luck im going to again. im an herbalist so if your going to do herbs stop by my blog i post on medicinal uses for herbs very frequently.

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