This 2020 year has thrown many curve balls at us. Most of us have had to take on different roles and wear several different ‘hats’ that we aren’t used to. From employee to parent, caregiver and teacher. It has been a wild coaster of ever-changing life and we have mostly just been hanging on for the ride.
Here are some of the things I have learned that have helped me get through the COVID virtual learning at, and while working from home.
This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.
5 Lessons Learned
During Virtual Learning
1. Keep a school night bedtime routine
This is not vacation people! Virtual learning at home does not mean we can go to bed later and wake up whenever we feel like it. Getting a good night’s rest seems even more imperative when schooling from home. The kids don’t have the watchful eye of a teacher, or the interaction and stimulation from the other kids to keep them awake.
Several times I have woken my high schooler up and got him going in the morning. I then go to my room to start working, and 20 minutes later, I get a call from the school. That fun automated message saying, “your son or daughter has been marked absent in 1 or more classes today”. I walk out to find him asleep at the kitchen table drooling all over his rented laptop. So Lesson 1, make sure they’re still getting a good night’s rest.
2. Keep healthy snacks out and available
Learning is hard work and teenage boys eat everything. Not a good combination when growing teen meets endless hours of boredom and access to food.
I found that putting the snacks I was okay with them eating every day worked well. It kept them from scavenging the cupboards for junk food and eating the whole bag of chips. Each day I would set out a handful of granola bars, oranges, fruit snacks, and other snacks. By the end of the day, everything I put out was gone. Lesson 2, put out limited snacks and hide the rest.
3. Use internet controls
If you have parental controls on your internet, use them. Most new routers have built-in parental controls. You can use these to set up internet kill times or allow and block websites. This tip became very important to me.
On numerous occasions, I would think the kids were being good and quiet and getting their work done. Wrong. I would wander out to check on them and find that they had YouTube up on their school laptops. No school work was being done because they had spent all morning watching videos instead. I added YouTube as a blocked site from their laptops. Lesson 3, block everything fun.
4. Hide all devices and use them as incentives
I went wrong in the beginning here too. I put the kids in the kitchen to do schoolwork and thought that was good. What I didn’t do was move or take away any other devices. Halfway through the morning, I went to check on the kids and couldn’t find the 12-year-old. I finally found him playing on the Xbox.
See, he had gotten up to use the bathroom, which is past the room that has his xbox in it. He happened to see it on the way and could not resist the temptation. So, that is where I found him. Lesson 4, hide the other devices.
Obviously, you can tell that we are nailing this schooling from home thing. You can probably also tell that my kids are a little more distracted than they normally are, and my 12-year-old is always pretty distracted anyway. That leads me to my final lesson learned, Lesson 5, keep OmegaBrite on hand.
5. Keep OmegaBrite Supplements on hand
During this Pandemic, we have all experienced some stress and anxiety. We have been given a lot to handle. Our kids have had everything they know turned upside down. Routines have changed, expectations are different and like us, our kids feel that stress too.
That is why OmegaBrite is such a great thing to keep around the house during these trying times. OmegaBrite is a natural Omega-3 supplement. OmegaBrite has been shown to improve executive functions. Which are a set of cognitive processes that are necessary for the control of cognitive behaviors.
In 2019 Ohio State conducted a study of 95 kids ages 7 to 17, many with anxiety and ADHD as well as other mood disorders. The study showed there was improvement across the board for executive functions. The ADHD children had an even slightly higher level of improvement.
OmegaBrite is a scientifically developed Pharmaceutical-quality high EPA Omega-3 supplement. It contains no heavy metals, pesticides, dioxins or PCB’s. Omega-3’s are shown to be beneficial to our health including, cardiac, brain, joints, and reduction of inflammation. There are over 10 studies showing OmegaBrite improves mood, helps with bipolar, depression, ADHD, anxiety, and inflammation.
Virtual learning at home is hard and stressful for us all. Being stuck inside most days doing the jobs of teacher, employee, parent, caregiver, and all the rest, take their toll. Adding OmegaBrite to your child’s day can help with keeping them focused and in a better mood to deal with their new everyday challenges. For a natural way to give your child a leg-up during this stressful COVID Pandemic era, try OmegaBrite Omega-3 supplements.
What lessons has your family learned during virtual learning?
Gervin Khan
Friday 23rd of October 2020
These are great tips, hiding all their gadgets or devices really helps me to make them more focus on their online studies.
Ryan Escat
Friday 23rd of October 2020
Thanks for all the tips. I'm gonna share this with my friends who has homeschooling kids. They will definitely benefit from this.
Celebrate Woman Today
Thursday 22nd of October 2020
Some of these suggestions we are dealing with – electronic devices. Got the tools to control and shut everything off when needed.
Thursday 22nd of October 2020
I received an email from one of my son's teachers saying he was handing in incomplete assignments. I thought at 16 I wouldn't have to check up on him so much. I now take away his phone until he's completed his work for the day.
Fatima D Torres
Thursday 22nd of October 2020
A consistent bedtime routine does come in handy. I like the idea of using Internet controls as well.