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Simple Workouts for Busy Moms

I don’t know about you, but I hate working out. I just want to sit there and throw popcorn at those overzealous work out types. What gets them so motivated anyway? It’s not that I have something against working out, I would really love to. It’s just so boring and when am I supposed to find the time? Therefore, I have come up with a few ways to make working out a little less boring and more do-able.

This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own. 

Simple workout tips for busy moms


Simple Workouts for Busy Moms pinit fg en rect gray 28

Get together with friends. Working out alone is the worst. Everything is way more fun when you’re doing it with friends. Besides, when you have friends holding you accountable, it’s harder to skip out. Join a class together, go walking together or just challenge each other to a goal. Whatever you find works best for you, make it fun with a friend.

Take an exercise class with friends

Use the internet. Gyms can be very costly. Sure, they’re usually open all night, have a pool, sauna and a ton of equipment, but costly nonetheless. If you don’t like working out in front of people, don’t have the money or even the time to drive there, there are other options. I was using YouTube for a while. There are a million workout videos on there. You’re bound to find something to fit your needs. Whether you only have five minutes or an hour. Some videos are hard core, others are for beginners. Search for something and find what works for you.

Dancing is a great way to workout. I love to dance. Not only is dancing fun and liberating, it’s a great workout. Put on some loud music while you clean and dance around like you don’t have a care in the world. It’s a great way to make the work go by faster and get yourself an awesome workout. Dancing around my kitchen with a broom is my favorite way to clean and workout.

Dance while you clean

Another way to exercise you don’t think about is Kegels. Kegels are an important exercise to strengthen your pelvic floor. Strengthening your pelvic floor helps with issues of urinary incontinence. 1 in 3 women will experience UI. For those of you who have had children, you know what I’m talking about. Trampolines are no longer your friend.

Kegels are considered the first line of treatment for urine leakage. Therefore, PeriCoach has come out with an awesome new campaign called Kegel Face. The campaign encourages women to take back control of their pelvic floors through regular and smart Kegel exercises.

PeriCoach is the company behind the new PeriCoach System. It’s a pelvic floor training device linked up to a smart phone app. It’s available by prescription and is designed to take the frustration out of regular pelvic floor training. PeriCoach provides real-time feedback that is beamed to a smartphone, where progress can be easily tracked by women and their clinicians.


In appreciation of participation in the Kegel Face campaign, the company is offering a discount code for purchase of the PeriCoach. Just post your “Kegel face” on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter using #KegelFace. Join in with many of other women and take control of your health through proper, regular, pelvic floor exercises with help from PeriCoach.



What is your favorite way to sneak in exercise?

Janis @MommyblogExpert

Tuesday 24th of November 2015

I'm a gym rat. But still I love your ideas which are all free and you can do them at home during the day without having to leave the house. Perfect for work at home moms like me.


Tuesday 24th of November 2015

Great workout ideas. It's so hard to find time to work out when your a busy mom.

Amy D

Tuesday 24th of November 2015

I have found cleaning helps to get me sweating but I still love the gym. The eliptical is doing wonders for me!

Ty @ Mama of 3 Munchkins

Tuesday 24th of November 2015

I'd have to say that my favorite way to workout is cleaning and dancing.


Monday 23rd of November 2015

Having toddler twins I have a lot of built in workouts. I do love the idea of adding them into chores thought too!

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