In the first two weeks of school, my son has already contracted strep-throat and pink eye. My poor sister-in law has already dealt with a lice infestation. Needless to say, now that school is back in session, things are going to be being shared and we all know, sharing is not always caring. Keeping kids healthy at school isn’t always an easy feat. We came up with some tips to help you ward off all of the unwanted ailments this school year.
This post is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.

Vitamins – The best way to prevent sickness is to have a healthy immune system. Multi-Vitamins for kids have many important vitamins and minerals to help keep your kids healthy. Things like Vitamin C, E, Zinc, Calcium and more. They come in many different forms like the traditional chewable, gummy bears, sour gummies or even gum balls.
Keep sick kids home – I know it’s a bummer when a kid gets sick and you have to keep them home. We’ve got to work and they fall behind. It is a great way to help illnesses not continue to be passed around school though. One sick kid can infect many other kids when in such cramped and interactive quarters. A good rule is no fever, throwing up, or to be on antibiotics for 24 hours before returning.
Vamousse – Nothing is worse than contracting lice from school. They infest your whole house and are hard to get rid of. I get a letter home every month or so with at least one of my kids that say they may have been exposed to lice. It’s nerve wracking and makes me itchy just worrying about it. Lice are so common, that they are the second most frequent health issue for kids, second only to the common cold.
That is why Vamousse Lice Defense is such a great product. It is a pesticide-free, Non-Toxic, daily shampoo that defends against infestation. So, if you think your kid has been exposed to someone showing signs of having lice, or you get one of those not fun letters home, use this for 10-14 days. It kills the lice before you even know they are there. Stopping the lice before they set up camp in your family. It’s safe to use and perfect for the whole family. No more stripping all the beds and spending days shampooing and laundering.
If you have the unfortunate luck of already contracting and showing signs of lice, there’s also Vamousse Lice Treatment. Also pesticide-free, Non-Toxic and 100% effective with treatment and combing. This is a mousse that kills active head lice infestation and their eggs, in a single, 15-minute application. Much better than the Mayonnaise my mom smeared my head with when I was a kid. And because it is pesticide-free, it has no pesticide resistance- a good benefit knowing that many strains of lice have become resistant to traditionally used pesticide products.
Vamousse Lice Treatment and Lice Defense can be found nationwide at Walmart, CVS, Walgreens, Kmart,, and other regional chains. Vamousse Treatment sells for around $24.99 and Lice Defense sells around $12.99. Found in many major stores, it is worth picking up if needed for eradication or for the peace of mind.
Keeping your kids safe and healthy at school can be a big job. Somebody has to do it though. Help make it easier on yourself by implementing some of these tips. Keep your kids and your house protected from the inconvenience of having lice this school year with Vamousse Lice Defense or Lice Treatment. Above all, have a happy and healthy school year!
Would you like to know more about this product? Get more information about Vamousse Lice here.
Emily Smith
Thursday 10th of September 2015
With three boys in school, keeping the germs at bay is definitely a challenge.
shelly peterson
Wednesday 9th of September 2015
These are wonderful tips. I dread the cold/flu season and lice is absolutely horrible to deal with. I have never heard of Vamousse products before.
Julie Wood
Tuesday 8th of September 2015
Sanatize and washing helps me keep sickness at bay and taking vitamins really helps. But keeping sick kids at home is so important as to not spread it to others!
Mandi @ Moments With Mandi
Tuesday 8th of September 2015
I've started sending hand sanitizer on my son's backpack. I told him anytime he is near his back pack, to use a little bit. That's usually on the way to school, at lunch/recess and on the way home. Daily vitamins, immune booster, essential oils... really all we can do!
Lisa Brown
Tuesday 8th of September 2015
Aw, no, so soon to be sick. Times really call for keeping hands clean and taking immue-boosting supplements daily.