This post brought to you by Kajeet. All opinions are 100% mine.
Summer always brings lots of big adventures, whether that might mean a trip to the local pool, a big family road trip, or maybe sleepovers. Whatever adventures your family has planned this summer, keeping kids safe this summer is extremely important. Here’s simple tips to help you keep tabs on your children, without invading their space or looking like an overly worried parent.
Keep Kids Safe Summer Tips
Talk About Strangers – Before the summer fun begins, have an open conversation about safety including understanding who it’s okay to talk to and when they should look towards an adult you trust for protection. Often times, it’s not just adults but other children you may not want your kids around this summer. Starting that conversation early before summer begins will help build that safety net of what is okay and what is not allowed.
Know Where They Are – The key to safety is knowing where your children are throughout the summer. Even if you are fine with your children heading outside to play with the neighborhood children, make a rule that they must tell you before they leave where they are going, who they will be with, and when they plan to be home.
Set Boundaries – Let your kids know what areas are okay to explore and where their boundaries are. If your home is close to a school or park, are you comfortable with them walking their with friends? Set up a simple landmark they know as the boundary of where they are allowed to roam this summer. Giving them a bit of freedom (even if it only extends to your cul-de-sac) will give your child a feeling of independence.
Safety in Summer Fun – Have the tools ready to arm your kids to be safe in whatever fun they have planned. That may mean sunscreen and a life jacket or it could mean a first aid kit or a helmet. Know your child’s abilities and help them be comfortable making choices to keep themselves safe.
Whatever fun your family decides on, you can arm your child with a tool to help you keep tabs on your child and give them a way to check in. Kajeet is a wireless service provider that lets parents have control over important settings like time limits, “on” hours, GPS locating for lost phone or locating your children, and easy call blocking. You can take advantage of time blocking to keep your kids safe during evening hours and off their phones.
Plans start at just $4.99/month and there are no activation or termination fees! You can easily change your plan whenever you need without penalties. For a limited time through June 17th, you can find 20% off all phones (excluding the Samsung Galaxy S4) with the promo code PROUD. If you already have a Sprint device, you can transfer to Kajeet and you won’t even need to purchase a device to get started with your child’s service.