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10 Tips for New Moms!

I thought I would share about some great tips for new moms as they are bringing home their baby for the first time! It can be so overwhelming at first trying to figure everything out from breastfeeding, to naps, to doctors appointments that it’s great we can lean on advice and tips from those who have been there before. I have had a lot of these ideas on my mind as I recently had my third child. Even having been there before, each new child brings back a lot of these questions again!

10 Tips for New Moms

1. Prepare Early– When your baby decided to come can be the first challenge! I have had all mine late, but many mothers end up earlier then their due date, and sometimes quite unprepared and they were sure they had several weeks to go. Be sure to prepare your hospital bags early so you have everything you’ll need that first day at the hospital!

2. What to pack – When considering what to bring to the hospital be sure to bring something comfortable for you to wear for several days as well as clothes for your husband, hygiene products, and several cute outfits for your infant. Camera is probably already at the top of your list, but you may want to also bring an ipod, dvd’s, your laptop or netbook, or other ways to entertain yourself and your spouse. One really fun part of bring home baby is that special going home outfit you get to pick out! You may want to have a preemie option as well as many babies don’t even fit the newborn clothes really well that first week.
3. Take pictures – Keep your camera within arms reach and be sure to snap tons of pictures! Capture that first outfit, your newborn loaded into the carseat for their first car ride, as well as pictures as they begin smiling, cooing, and their sweet newborn yawns!4. Research – After the baby is born you will be bombarded by many things the doctors will want to do for your child. It is a good idea to research this topics so you know which of these practices you will be okay with. Some of these include hearing screens, immunizations, PKU test, and circumcision for boys.

5. Ask for help! Nights with a newborn can be very difficult as a newborn may cry often and want to nurse all night for comfort. Be sure to have someone (or two) on hand to help you when you are exhausted and just can’t hold the baby to comfort them any longer.

6. Take it EASY! If you overdo it in the first several weeks you may very well end up with mastitis or a breast infection. Taking on too much can also extend postpartum bleeding.

7. Breastfeeding – Breastfeeding is so very difficult in those early days. You and your baby are both learning for the first time how to achieve proper latch and you may end up dealing with chapped nipples, along with many other potential problems. Don’t hesitate to ask for a lactation consultant before you leave the hospital to get help and answer any questions you might have.

8. Have a GOOD nursing bra ready! Nursing bras making nursing so much easier! While your size while change quite a bit the first 2 weeks, be sure to have at least one good nursing bra on hand to get you through the early days. You will also want a stash of nursing pads, high quality cloth pads can be purchased online and are so much more comfortable then the disposable alternative.

9. Have baby’s area set up – The first several weeks to months with your new baby you will likely want them really close to you for all those middle of the night feedings. Have a bassinet or play yard set up in your room or nearby if your nursery is across your home. You should also set up a changing station near the baby’s bed including diapers, wipes, and changes of clothes for middle of the night diaper changes!

10. ENJOY your time!!! Newborns grow up WAY too fast!!! I am already in complete shock that my newborn is nearing 2 months old!! Treasure all those early days, even when they can be rough. Before you know it your newborn won’t be much of a newborn anymore and you will miss those teeny tiny fingers and toes you spent your days staring at!

For all the experienced moms out there, do you have any other great tips to contribute? How about the new moms, any burning questions?

*I wrote this blog post while participating in the TwitterMoms and Lysol® Wee Wisdom blogging program, making me eligible to get a $50 gift card.