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Tory Johnson’s The Shift Review

I received a Shift Kit and book in exchange for this post. All opinions are my own.

I will be happy when…fill in the blank. Sound familiar? I know I am not the only one who struggles with feelings of inadequacy. Like most women I know there are many things I can/ would like to do to be a better person, but the one that always seems to get me? Body image.

I have two kids under the age of two, and the back-to-back pregnancies changed my body, fast. I knew this was coming, I knew this would happen. I have managed to loose most of the baby pounds but my pre pregnancy figure seems a thing of the past. I was expecting this too, you can’t grow a person and expect your body to be the same, right? I can’t expect to keep up my bad habits and loose weight either though.

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I have tried a million diets and workout plans to get my figure back. I do really good for about two weeks and then I am back to my old bad habits, finishing your lunch and then your toddlers sound like your home too? I have been frustrated and feeling bad about myself, I need a permanent solution. I am determined now to make a change. I just read The Shift: How I Finally Lost Weight and Discovered a Happier Life, by Good Morning America contributor, Tory Johnson.

The Shift suggests just that. Make a shift, shift your thinking. When Tory was approached by one of her bosses about the fit of her clothing and seeing stylist, Tory realized that if she didn’t make some big changes she would be out of a job. In a flash, she realized she had to change for good and she was ready to do it. In the course of one year, Tory lost more than 60 pounds and discovered that what she put in her head matters more than what she put in her mouth, and in the process, she became a happier, healthier person.


In one part of the book she says, “This is not about falling in love with a diet or how many times you’ve failed. The Shift happens when you say, “This time I’m not going to fall for the gimmick or the quick scheme. This time I will stand up for my body, and my health, and I will keep standing up for myself, meal after meal, until I figure out my eating issues and get to my happier weight, whatever that may be.”

I love this. This is exactly what I needed to read!

So we are making changes at our house, real ones, not gimmicks. We are cutting out processed food. We are exercising. We are being more active as a family. No excuses. I’m not melting off pounds like you do in the first week of a fad diet, but I am making real, long lasting changes. And that is more important.

If you want to learn more about The Shift, pick up Tory’s Best selling book today and visit her website. You wont be sorry that you did, it is an easy, but inspiring read. You can find it here. Retails for $22.99.