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The Zero Scale Review

**This brand is no longer in business**

This review was originally published in December 2011. The Zero Scale company is no longer in business, but I’ll share a similar scale here that tracks both weight and incremental changes if you’re looking for something similar to the Zero Scale brand.

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The Zero Scale is an unique approach to tracking your weight through a scale! Instead of reading out your current weight, users can set up the scale the first day and then monitor instead their weight gain or loss progress.

Instead of a daily total weight each day you can track your incremental changes. You can view your daily progress as well as your total journey progress from your first weigh in along with a number of days counter.

This new take on tracking your weight makes it easier to focus on attainable progress that can help you reach both your short and long term goals!

The Zero Scale Review

Zero Scale Review

I received a Zero Scale to review. When I first set it up I registered myself in the first spot, which instantly became a problem with three little kids climbing on the scale like a game. The next day, the scale told me I was up 80-something pounds!

I have since registered myself as user number 3 and haven’t had a problem with my kids since! The Zero Scale is really neat and would be perfect for someone who is working hard and motivated to lose weight to watch their count (hopefully) go down each day!

I have a New Year’s resolution to get healthy and loose the last of this “baby weight” starting in January and this scale will be great for helping to keep me motivated and moving in the right direction! Unfortunately for me and these pictures, the scale came right through Thanksgiving time and lots of leftovers, so ignore my weight increase! 🙂

Zero Scale Features:

  • 4 users and guest mode
  • 1.3″ LCD Display
  • Fast and easy set-up
  • 397 lbs/180kg weight capacity
  • Sleek modern design
  • 12.5″ x 12.5″ platform
  • Pounds or kilograms
  • 10 year warranty

The Zero Scale retails for $59.95 plus $10.95 shipping and handling.

Disclosure: I received a Zero Scale in exchange for my honest review. I was not compensated in any other manner. The opinions expressed above are my own and any claims should be verified on the sponsor’s site. Thanks to Family Review Network for facilitating this campaign.