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New Spin on Sweeping – Swiffer Sweep & Trap Review

This is a sponsored post for SheSpeaks/Swiffer. I received a complimentary Swiffer Sweep & Trap for review. All opinions are my own. 

I have a problem you may be able to relate to. I have a swarm of little hands and little feet that track in sand from the sandbox, dirt from the rocks they collect and throw, and an endless stream of crumbs under our kitchen island. I have just about every cleaning tool you can imagine – brooms, vacuums, mops, steam cleaners, dusters, etc. However, none of those are very easy to enlist the kids to help and learn to clean up after themselves.

Swiffer Sweep

That is until now! Swiffer just released a brand new swiffer sweeper, the Swiffer Sweep & Trap, that not only sweeps up the small dirt and dust, but is made to collect bigger crumbs and messes, too. It’s the perfect solution between mopping to quickly clean up mealtime messes. Since it’s so lightweight, even my 3 year old can help (and he thinks it’s a blast to get to help).

Swiffer Dust

The Swiffer Sweep & Trap has front rotating blades like you see on a vacuum, but it is powered by your push so no batteries or charging is needed! You just push along and the blades spin pushing crumbs up into the collection bin. Anything too small gets swept up with a Swiffer cloth that’s great a grabbing all that dust, dirt, and hair.  Swiffer

We had a chance to check out the new Swiffer Sweep & Trap and give it a test run. The tester kit included a couple of sample messes to help us give it a spin. This wood shavings would have been a mess with a broom, sticking to the bristles. The Sweep & Trap made the mess pretty quick and painless to clean up. A few swipes back and forth over the mess got it all up.

Swiffer Trap

This sweeper isn’t perfect. Since it has no suction it doesn’t grab absolutely every crumb and speck off the floor, but it did a surprisingly really good job if you’re not a super perfectionist. For me, I was hoping for something to help tackle the bigger messes between mopping, and this is an awesome solution for that. The collection area is VERY small, though, so you’ll have to dump it frequently if tackling a lot of floor space.

You can find the new Swiffer Sweep & Trap at your local Walmart.

Do you have any tips for keeping your floor clean after mealtime?

Swiffer Sweep & Trap Makes Clean Up Easier | MomsGetReal

Monday 13th of January 2014

[…] A Mom’s Take […]

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