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Ease your Worries with the Verizon Family Locator App!

I’m one of those that is always curious and wondering where my family members are. When my husband goes out shooting in the desert with his friends, I always worry that they will get stuck in the mud, someone will get hurt, or they will get a flat tire.

My husband usually has limited cell phone service out in the desert and has too much fun to think to call home to check in. Since they go out for a few hours at a time it leaves me nerve-wracked while I wait to make sure they all come home safely. This worry isn’t without cause, they have been lost once and stuck in a dry river bed another time.

I would love the features of a service that helped ease my concerns by letting me follow a GPS locator so I knew just where they were if they DID have problems and that would allow me to check in all I need without having to call and interrupt the fun time out with the boys.

Shooting with Friends

As a woman, worrying goes well beyond just our spouses or partners to many other loved ones. The Verizon Family Locator can help take care of some of these aspects we parents have to worry and fret about. This tool lets you keep tabs on all the phones on your family mobile phone account. Stay informed and connected with your family with the following included great features:

  • Family location – A detailed location, including the address, can be displayed on an interactive map and turn-by-turn driving directions to your family member’s location using the VZ Navigator application.
  • Arrival and departure updates – Provides updates when family members leave or arrive at defined locations like school or home.
  • Scheduled updates – Choose times you want to verify where a family member is.
  • Share locations – Share your location, family members’ or local points of interest by email, text message or post to Facebook.

There are so many ways to utilize this app and not for “spying” on your children. Parents can have peace of mind knowing when their kids have arrived at home or at a friends house after school without having to keep tabs and make a phone call. Or, why not keep track of where a visiting family member is along their route so you can prepare for their arrival! When my dad took his last several-state motorcycle road trip, he would publish his own location and it made it easy (and fun!) for all of us to following along with him on his trip without having to call several family members and the constantly wondering and questions of what city he was in now.

Verizon Family Locator has a limited time FREE 30-day trial offer so you can try out the service to see if it is helpful for your family. If you love the service, it is just $9.99/month per household account.

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. I will be compensated for my time and efforts on this post.