I received Sunny Day Pond in exchange for this post. All opinions are my own.
My kids love, love, love to play games. I think they come by that desire naturally, as both of their parents love to play games. I love to the fun memories I have playing games with friends and family growing up, however along with those memories I have some bad ones of heated arguments, cheating accusations, and poor sportsmanship. I guess those types of attitudes come with the competitive nature of playing games!
What would happen if instead of paying against each other, we all worked together to win the game? This is exactly what Peaceable Kingdom has done with their co-opperative games. These games encourage fun not competitiveness. It totally works! My kids love their new Sunny Day Pond game.
When playing Sunny Day Pond each player takes their turn spinning the spinner. Depending on the out come of their spin they either place a puzzle piece on the game board or a rain drop under the rain cloud. Your goal, as a team, is to complete all three animal puzzles before collecting all the rain drops.
This game is easy for my toddlers to understand and plays fairly quickly. Perfect for a one quick game or a whole bunch of them! My kids favorite part of the game is what happens when you complete one of the three animal puzzles and then roll the coordinating color again. Say for example you have completed the frog puzzle and then someone spins green, everyone has to mimic the sounds and actions of that animal, so in this case hop around croaking like a frog. It is hilarious and so much fun.
Besides being a blast to play, this game is made of the highest quality materials. All of the pieces are made of really sturdy cardboard and will stay in amazing shape for a really long time. My favorite feature of Peaceable Kingdom games is that if you loose a piece they will send you a replacement piece! Anyone who has small kids know what an amazing policy that is!
Peaceable Kingdom has several awesome cooperative game available at great prices. Sunny Day Pond has an average retail value of $15.99 and can be found here. The rest of there amazing games and products can be found here.