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My New Year Goals & Tips to Accomplish Your Goals

Can you believe it is already February? Now is a great time to reassess your personal goals you set for yourself and your family for 2013. How are you doing? Is it time to commit, once again, to those goals you set your sights on for this year? Let’s make this the year we each really accomplish what we have set out to do! I’ve set some high goals for myself and my family this year. Goals I know are really important. Some I’ve been working really hard at this year.. others, I needed this reminder to keep moving and working towards our goals! So, here’s my report and how I’m doing.. take the chance to be honest with yourself, too, and keep moving hard towards your goals!

Goal 1: Eat less sugar and drop the extra pregnancy weight. This has been a challenge for me my WHOLE life! My dad is this enabler, always has been, which has made me have an incurable sweet tooth! It hadn’t affected me very much until this last pregnancy (and edging towards 30) where the extra sugars aren’t just instantly burning off anymore. This goal is something that I know is really important for my health, well-being, self-esteem, and for its importance in teaching my children about a healthy lifestyle. I have used every excuse I can think of, already. Now is the time to get serious and make the change.

Goal 2: Be a more patient and attentive mother. This goal I have been working on and trying every day to be just a little bit better. I’m certainly not perfect and I have a long way to go, but at least I’ve been working on this one and thinking about this goal daily!

Goal 3: I have a whole sheet of financial goals for our family this year. This goal is a continuation of what we’ve worked on as a family for the past year and a half. We’ve come so far but I still have some big goals ahead of us! Amongst our goals for the year include adding to our retirement funds, starting a college savings fund for my oldest, paying down our current mortgage, and saving up a down payment for our eventual purchase of a larger home. This is the goal I’m passionate about. It’s hard to wait and wait to be able to fill up my chart and really see progress, but I know every little bit we do is taking us to where we want to be and it’s exciting to see our progress as we look back at how far we’ve come!

Tips to Accomplish Your Goals

  • See Your Goals – The very best way I’ve found to make your goals something you’re thinking about and working towards on a daily basis is to post your goals somewhere they are easy to see and read each day. For us, that means we post our goals in our bathroom. Since we are in and out of our bathroom several times a day I’m always looking at where I have my goals posted and it provides a quick and easy reminder that this is what is important to me and what I really hope to accomplish!
  • Don’t Get Discouraged – You won’t be able to completely change something overnight. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to really accomplish something worthwhile. That means it is very likely you’ll see some setbacks along your path but you can’t let your past discourage you from working towards what you want and doing the best you can each day ahead of you.
  • Set Intermediate Goals – Don’t just stating your ultimate end goal you have your sights on without a plan on how to get there. Instead, try setting a list of smaller goals that will be easier to attain and will help get the ball rolling in the right direction. Being able to see what you’ve accomplished and that you really can do it will help push you towards finishing your ultimate goal.

Financial Goals

Here’s a blank version of the goals chart I made for our family for 2013 that lets me color in monthly steps. You are welcome to copy and use this chart for your own family and recreate it to meet your own family’s needs and goals.

Wherever you may currently be with your own New Year Goals, it is not too late to set some goals to make 2013 your best year yet! Now is the time to recommit to continue on the goals you’ve already set or prepare new goals if you haven’t set any yet!

I am blogging on behalf of Visa Prepaid and received compensation for my time from Visa for sharing my views in this post, but the views expressed here are solely mine, not Visa’s. Discover more at or join the Visa Prepaid community at

sandy weinstein

Saturday 23rd of February 2013

i enter and never win, but i keep trying, i have so many goals that i will never get them done, but am now working on cleaning out my house and trying to finish my mother's trust, so i can move out of state.

KJ Dry

Friday 22nd of February 2013

I won on this one. :)

A Mom's Take

Wednesday 27th of February 2013

Awesome!! Congrats!!

Austin Baroudi

Sunday 17th of February 2013

Also entered! Thanks for the post!

Kelly Nicholson

Saturday 16th of February 2013

thank you..ill enter everyday!

Laura Waltz

Saturday 16th of February 2013

Thank you for the informative post. I have some great goals this year too, including paying off a good portion of our debt, and also becoming healthier.

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