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What’s In My Diaper Bag? Packing Tips!

You did it! You had a baby! You waited nine long months, endured hours of labor, and your sweet little baby is here in your arms. You made it home from the hospital and have been enjoying that adorable bundle of joy for a few days. Now it is time to leave the house for the first time. Diaper bag is out. Diapers? Check. Wipes? Check. Bottles? Check. Nursing cover? Check. Diaper cream? Check. Binky? Check. Blanket? Check.

Overwhelmed? CHECK!


I received compensation for this post. All opinions are my own.

Leaving the house with a new baby can seem so exhausting, especially at the beginning. The more you head out, the easier it gets feel prepared with baby. You will probably find yourself out of diapers at a restaurant at least once. You might run out of wipes at the zoo, it is bound to happen. I look back and laugh now about the time I ended up at the aquarium with diapers for my 4 month old, but none for my 1.5 year old.

After having 3 kids I can tell you what works for me! Here is what I pack in my diaper bag for a newborn and a toddler, because adding another kid to the picture is a game changer too!

1. Diapers, wipes, & Rash cream samples- (ask for them at your pediatrician’s office) No need to carry around a whole bottle of that stuff.

2. A change of clothes for each of them- I carry these in their own zipper bag, that way if they have an accident I have clean clothes and somewhere to put the wet, soiled ones until we get home.

3. An extra burp cloth- Or two, depends on your babe!

4. A nursing cover or formula and bottle- My nursing cover doubles as a blanket, carseat cover, and cart cover, and I have used it as a blanket in a pinch. It is from Covered Goods.

5. Extra Binky and Binky wipes

6. Baby Wrap- Mine is a Solly Baby Wrap. I did NOT pack one of these when I only had one babe, but with two toddlers and a newborn I wear my baby ALL. THE. TIME.

7. Hand Sanitizer


Here is my secret though- in my CAR I pack another change of clothes for each of my girls, one for my older son, and one for myself! I throw a blanket in there just in case. Plus, I also pack a full package of wipes and a handful of diapers in there as well. Your diaper bag can’t hold it all but when your baby ruins their outfit for the 3rd time today and messes up yours in the process, or you happen to be in a restaurant that is just freezing, you will be grateful for those extra items in the car!

As for the wipes, we use wipes for EVERYTHING at our house. In our car. Everywhere. You can never have too many around.

Keep these things with you and you should be all set! To make things even easier, stop in to Babies “R” Us to pick up everything you need to make sure your bags are packed and ready to go!

What are your must haves in your diaper bag?

Lily Kwan

Monday 1st of June 2015

baby wipes

Amy Deeter

Monday 1st of June 2015

wipes is always a must have in my diaper bag.never know when i willl need them

Leah Shumack

Monday 1st of June 2015

Wipes, snacks and toys were always included too!


Monday 1st of June 2015

Diapers, wipes and diaper cream for sure!

John Herman

Monday 1st of June 2015

I would have to pack wipes!

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