I used to be part of a Bunco Girls Night that was set for every 3rd Thursday night of the month. We would rotate who would host the event and the host would serve dinner. Each guest would bring a gift based on the month’s Bunco theme (ex: kitchen or game night or cleaning) with a max budget of $5. I have such fond memories of my monthly Girls Night Out, that I decided to start up Bunco night again!
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Papa John’s. The opinions and text are all mine.
Host a Bunco Girls Night
We would start our night off with dinner and conversation, then move onto Bunco, and end by exchange gifts. The lowest score would get to pick first from all the wrapped gifts and on up. Each guest could steal if they wanted, or pick an unopened gift to unwrap. The person with the most buncos would get the last pick of all the gifts.
Bunco is a fun game, but the beauty of the game is that it is simple enough that you can chit chat and catch up with your best girlfriends with a night out and without having to think about preparing a big meal for the evening.
Simplified Bunco Rules
The traditional game of bunco plays with teams and an important distinction on what role each table plays. But these additional rules can be simplified to keep the essences and fun of bunco, without so many rules to remember.
Divide all guests up into as even of groups as possible. Ideally, 3-5 per table works well. Give each player a score sheet and place one set of 3 dice at each of the tables. When everyone is ready, have one player ring the bell to indicate the start of a round.
Players will take turn rolling and counting points following the scoring rules:
- 1 point for each round number rolled
- 5 points for each set of 3 matching dice (excluding round number)
- 21 points for a “Bunco” (3 matching dice of the round number)
- Round ends immediately once anyone reaches 21 points or scores a Bunco.
Play continues through 6 rounds (scoring for numbers 1-6). At the end of 6 rounds, a set is complete and the two highest scoring players at each table switch tables to mix up all participants during the game. Continue playing sets of 6 rounds until you complete 4 sets.
Tally up all points from each of the sets played and all buncos. The winner is the player with the most buncos or, in the case of a tie, the highest points.
Bunco Printable Score Sheets
I created a cute Bunco printable score sheet for my own Bunco Girl’s Night get together. You are welcome to print and use this sheet for your own bunco nights. Just click on the image below to save the image or grab a free copy of the PDF Printable Bunco Score Sheets with two score sheets per page.
Elaine @cookinandcraftin.com
Thursday 4th of June 2015
I love bunco!! I have been playing it since I was a teenager with my Mom and her friends....unfortantely My BUNCO group has diassembled. I would love to start a new group!! Thanks for sharing on Artsy Fartsy Mama! I would love if you stopped by My place and shared your stuff on My 2 Favorite Things on Thursday - Link Party!!
Have a great Weekend!!
Pamela J Smith
Monday 1st of June 2015
I haven't played Bunco in so long, I definitely need a reminder how to play! And pizza goes with anything! Thanks for sharing!
Lena Burkut
Monday 18th of May 2015
Fun time for the girls. I should suggest this game for my girld night out
Friday 15th of May 2015
Our neighborhood used to have Bunco nights. Now we meet with a game group every Friday!
Friday 15th of May 2015
Thanks! I've never played before.