Teething is currently a very hot topic at my house. My one-year-old just cut two new teeth and it looks like two more are just about to cut through. Although I’m pretty sure there’s nothing cuter than those new little pearly whites, the teething process is not for the faint of heart. Between the sleepless nights and fussy days, it’s important to remember that teething is temporary – it won’t last forever. However, because both parent and child must endure this dreaded process, here are a few helpful signs to watch for, teething remedies, and parental advice.
This post has been sponsored by Baby Orajel™, however all opinions are my own.
Teething Babies: Signs, Relief, and Advice
– Swollen/bumpy gums
– Excess drooling
– Biting/chewing everything in sight
– Fussiness
– Interrupted sleeping cycles
– Cold fruit: When my daughter is teething, I find that giving her some cold fruit to gnaw on takes the edge off of the pain. A few of her favorites include watermelon, peeled apple slices, and frozen bananas.
– Frozen pacifier/washcloth/bottle: Find things that your child enjoys chewing on, get them wet, and stick them in the freezer. Nothing makes my little girl happier than sucking on a cool bottle nipple straight from the freezer.
– Popsicles: If there’s one thing that always makes my daughter’s mouth feel better, it’s Popsicles. However, instead of giving her sugary treats all day long, these Fro-Yo Cereal Pops are a much smarter alternative. Plus, you can whip them up in only a matter of minutes!
– Teething accessories: Purchasing a teething necklace for my baby was probably the best investment I’ve ever made. Although it’s meant to wear around the mother’s neck, while she’s supervised, I allow her to wear it and chew away. She also absolutely adores her wooden teething ring. There really are so many great toys and accessories available to help ease your baby’s discomfort.
– Toothbrush: While supervising, allow your child to brush, chew, and gnaw on their toothbrush. The second my daughter walks into the bathroom, she always begs to use her Baby Orajel™ Paw Patrol Tooth Brush. Not only does this help provide teething relief, but early tooth and gum care is important. Orajel™ really has awesome oral care products perfect for all stages of baby’s life: from baby’s first tooth all the way to learning how to independently brush.
Teething Gel: Perfect for safe, effective, and natural teething relief, Baby Orajel™ Homeopathic Teething Gel is a must to get through the teething stage. Using your finger or a cotton swab, you can apply Baby Orajel™ Homeopathic Teething Gel along your baby’s gums when baby starts feeling discomfort.
Teething is rough for both babies and parents. As hard as this stage can be, it’s important to remember that it won’t last forever. Comfort your baby, take advantage of the extra snuggles, try your best to relieve the pain, and when all else fails, don’t be afraid to put the baby down in a safe environment, and take a breather in another room. Remember, you can do this; many parents HAVE actually lived through the teething stage 😉
Friday 12th of August 2016
My kids loved to chew on their Sophie giraffe toy. I can still hear the squeaky noise the rubber would make while they did it. LOL
Janet Devlin
Monday 25th of July 2016
Its good that I found this blog. Teething is very challenging for both mom and child. I used Orajel also to my kids when they were teething.
Liz Mays
Wednesday 20th of July 2016
My kids really liked the frozen washcloths. I feel so bad for the little ones when they are teething!
Janeane Davis
Wednesday 20th of July 2016
It is good for you to share so many tips to help parents with children who have teething problems. No child should needlessly suffer and live in pain.
Lisa Collins
Tuesday 19th of July 2016
I do not miss those teething days. I felt so helpless when my kiddos were in pain but frozen washclothes seemed to help them.