I’m a Sisterhood of Motherhood sponsored blog partner, but all opinions are my own. Please see below for additional disclosure.
Being a mom can be such a juggling act somedays, most days I am doing everything that I can to just keep it together. I think all moms feel this way. Whether you have 1 kid or 6, stay home or work, it is up to us to keep things running smoothly! Some days are better than others.
I had a day last week that was unraveling quick. The baby was screaming, the toddlers were whining, and we were just trying to get through bedtime. My husband snapped this picture after he finished reading to our daughter. I made this post to my personal Instagram account:
The caption read: “My husband snapped this picture during bedtime last night. The baby had been crying, he was reading stories in the other room and it was my turn to read to my son. The baby finally calmed down and we got to reading, how it ended up made me laugh. It just reminds me of what a juggling act being a mom is, and I don’t think as moms we realize the juggling we do every day- we just instinctively juggle. I love social media because I learn so much from how other moms “juggle”. Being a mom is the best kind of hard work.”
I was trying really hard to look at my crazy day in a positive light even though I was feeling super flustered, overwhelmed, and stressed. An alert popped up on Facebook notifying me of a comment from my aunt. This sweet woman is technically not my aunt anymore because of a divorce that happened many years ago, but we remain in touch because of the love our families share. I haven’t seen her in years, and we are not super close but she said:
You are an amazing MOM. You take after your mother.
10 simple words that caught me off guard and reduced me to tears. My mom is the strongest person I know. I admire her more than anyone else. To know that someone who knows her so well, who knew her when she was a young mom like me, thinks that I am like her is the best compliment I have ever received. It made me feel proud of the work I am doing in my home and it gave me that little boost to keep on juggling.
I am sure she didn’t think her simple comment would make such a big impact on me, but it did. I began to think of all the moms that inspire me on social media. Some of them are close friends or relatives, others are strangers or public figures that I have never met, but I learn so much from ideas they share. I am inspired by their outlooks and attitudes. Social media is such a great way to support each other as moms. Do we fully utilize it? Here are a few ways I have been trying to use social media accounts to boost other moms.
- Leave a comment Just like my aunt did for me, leave a comment telling a mom how awesome she really is. When something someone posts speaks to you, stop scrolling and tell them! You never know when your comment could make their day!
- Share a real life photos Not all of life is picture perfect. I think we tend to paint an unrealistic picture of our lives as we share, for some moms this can lead to feelings of inadequacy. Share the good and the bad. Moms relate to both. Even better, share a problem and a solution. You never know when your success or failure might help another in the same situation.
- “Like” it Everyone loves getting that “like” notification!
- Snap a picture when she is not looking Then send it to her. I wish so badly that I had a picture of my mom helping me up after a fall at the playground, or talking to me after a trip to time out. Next time you are with a mommy friend snap a picture of her in action. Send it to her with a quick text telling her what you admire about her. Depending on what it is and what they are comfortable with, share it to help encourage others.
- Send a Text Sometimes you might have a more personal comment or thought. Instead of sharing it for everyone to see, send them a text or give them a call. Tell them thank you for being an example to you or let them know that you noticed they were having a bad day.
As mothers we have to reach out an support each other and it has never been easier! I think most of us spend some time each day on at least one social media site. Use that time to do some good. Similac’s The Sisterhood of Motherhood Campaign encourages us to nourish each other the same way we nourish our children. We are all parents trying to do what’s best for our babies.
Let’s help each other out and join with Similac to offer parents words of support and encouragement. We are all in this together.
Similac partnered with bloggers such as me for its Sisterhood of Motherhood Program. As part of this program, I received compensation for my time. Similac believes that consumers and bloggers are free to form their own opinions and share them in their own words. Similac’s policies align with WOMMA Ethics Code, Federal Trade Commission (FTC) guidelines and social media engagement recommendations.
Wednesday 13th of May 2015
What a beautiful post!! You are a great mom- and I agree let's life each other up more!
Lisa Bristol
Tuesday 12th of May 2015
This is such a great champagne. Social Media is a powerful thing and it can be used for so much good.
Ann Bacciaglia
Tuesday 12th of May 2015
I have developed such a great support network threw my social media. It is a great way to get some encouragement when you feel like you are not doing a good job.
Stacey- Travel Blogger
Tuesday 12th of May 2015
Social media can be very powerful and have a strong influence on people. It's great to use that power for good!
Nancy @ Whispered Inspirations
Tuesday 12th of May 2015
What a great post. I think we should show more of the "real" moments in life. You are so right.