I can recall as a kid reading the Book of Mormon once a year. We had a printable Book of Mormon reading chart that we would start each year with blank white boxes we would color as we went. Of course, we would nearly always spend December reading tons and tons of chapters to try to get caught up and finish before the end of the year. I know it wasn’t always easy for my parents, or for us kids, but it was a good experience to have read through the entire Book of Mormon more times that I could recall by the time I moved out.

I set up this chart by listing all the books within the Book of Mormon down the left column. Then, beside each book each of the circles represents one chapter. So, for example, you can see 1st Nephi has 22 chapters.
Once I had all of the chapters laid out, the next step was laying out a guide to help keep me on track to complete my goal of reading throughout the year. To do this, I divided the Book of Mormon into 12 equal sections of pages as a rough guide of which chapters to break at.
Then, I colored in the circles with each new color representing a new month. So, you can see blue is January’s goal – the first 19 chapters in 1st Nephi. Then, February starts with the green circles. It’s not nearly so scary to think about completing the goal when you can see it as a small few rows of circles to cross off each month. Best of all, I’m still on track with my goal having completed all the way through April’s reading assignments. I use my printable reading chart as my bookmark to keep my place.
Book of Mormon Reading Chart PDF
You can download a copy of this free printable PDF – Book of Mormon Reading Chart to keep track of your own progress. It prints with three bookmarks to a page. Just click the link above and then choose to save or print the file.
Do you speak Spanish? Laurel, who blogs in Spanish, contacted me to ask if she could adapt my Book of Mormon reading chart to Spanish! You can download a copy of the Spanish Reading Chart. Or, visit her blog for a coloring page version and other Spanish LDS resources! Thanks, Laurel for sharing!
Happy reading!
Kristen from The Road to Domestication
Friday 19th of June 2015
What a great way to keep track of reading...all kinds of reading, really! Thanks so much for taking the time to link up over at the #HomeMattersParty - we hope to see you again next week!
Thursday 11th of June 2015
love these
Thursday 11th of June 2015
This is such a great idea! I think I'm going to set something like this up for my kids too! I love the simplicity of it. Thanks so much for sharing!
Tammi @ My Organized Chaos
Thursday 11th of June 2015
That is a great tool! It's not useful to myself, as we are not mormon, but it's a great resource for those that are
Melissa Pezza
Thursday 11th of June 2015
I think this is a wonderful idea. I'd love to make a printable like this for our kids for the TANAKH.