My husband in his 4th year of dental school, he has a pretty crazy schedule of lunch meetings, dental organization meetings, late night study sessions, test schedules plus class and clinic responsibilities. We both do volunteer work involving our church and community, and of course we have social obligations as well. I am pretty used to juggling our schedules and responsibilities. This fall my almost 4-year-old started preschool and T-Ball and for whatever reason it has sent my usual calm and controlled household into a dither! I seriously stand in awe of parents of teenagers! It has only been a month or so since it began so I know we will adjust and find a new “normal” for us, but until then I needed a solution for keeping some of my chaos in check.
I received compensation for this post, all opinions are my own. Photos may include edits for privacy.
I felt like my life was being a little consumed by our calendars and while I had a general idea what was going on and when, I found myself constantly forgetting obligations that my husband had that didn’t include me, but totally affected my day. For example that he had a meeting after school and would be two hours later than normal. After getting worried about where he was and if he way safe, I would call him and he would remind me about his obligation! We try to eat dinner as a family every day. It is something I am very passionate about. I will start dinner so that it is ready when daddy gets home, we all eat and then it gives him the most time with the kids before their bedtime. My absentmindedness was totally throwing this happy routine off!
Then I found PlaceUs. PlaceUs is a my favorite app that lets you see the location of your family and friends. Of course only if they want to be kept track of. My husband and I both downloaded the app from the app store for free here. After a quick sign up we were all set and it started keeping track of our locations. There are several apps available on the market, but I will tell you what makes PlaceUs different.
My favorite feature is the real time notifications, these are what have really saved my sanity. I get a notification that tells me when my husband has arrived at a location. I know when he gets to school safely and when he has left to come home. I know when he stops on the way for a meeting that I have forgotten about as well, or when he is on a rotation I forgot about too! This app isn’t just about keeping tabs on your loved ones locations. This app allows for connection when you can’t be together, peace of mind when you are apart, knowing that the people you care most about are safe and on their own journey in life.
PlaceUs learns your most frequented locations and lets you name them, like home, or work, or school. If the location is not correct the first time, edit it, the app will learn and adjust! It also allows you totally privacy control. Your friends and family can only see what you want them to, and the same goes for them. You also do not have to receive notifications of their locations. Every time I get a notification all I can think is, “This app would be amazing for parents of teenagers!” Such a great way to stay on top of everything going on with your loved ones! I am a worrier to my core, so being able to see that my 16-year-old made it from school to work with no problems would be a huge stress reliever for me. These people are the most important in my life and I always want to stay connected to them.
Have you ever used an app like this? What is your favorite feature of PlaceUs?
My Favorite App For Keeping Up With My Family | MSR Communications
Monday 15th of September 2014
[…] Click here to read her thoughts about the PlaceUs app that can be downloaded in iTunes for free! […]
Monday 15th of September 2014
This is such an awesome idea. I need to try it.
Tammi @ My Organized Chaos
Sunday 14th of September 2014
That is great! So often, I'm texting him, 'where are you?', 'you almost here?'. This would help us a ton!
Saturday 13th of September 2014
This would be really great to for keeping up with the hubs so that I could have dinner ready just in time too!
Mama to 5 BLessings
Saturday 13th of September 2014
Sounds great! A nice way to not only stay organized but to get you to places on time and not lost!