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Morning Blog Reading List with #LatteLove!

How do you start off your morning? Usually, my morning begins with rushing around getting my oldest ready and out the door for school. Once we get past the morning rush, though, I enjoy logging in online and have a few favorite website I often visit. I’ll admit, I’m addicted to the “daily deal” websites and will start my morning checking to see if there are any good deals. After that, I usually wander over to Facebook and see if there is anything exciting or new happening in that social world. Finally, I like to settle in to read a few good blogs!

  • Smile A Day Giveaways! – This was one of the first giveaway blogs I found and the blog author here helped me get my own start. I love her thorough reviews with lots of pictures and that she hasn’t gotten too big that the giveaways feel impossible to win!
  • Food Storage Made Easy – Personal preparedness is something as a family that we are always working towards. One of the areas I have the hardest time with is using and rotating food storage so I love this blog as it gives great tips and suggestions for making preparedness a way of life.
  • Hip to Save – I always love a good deal so I like to read up on what hot deals happen to be out there. I don’t clip coupons all the time, but I definitely love some great online shopping deals! Plus, I always get inspired to go out and shop with the weekly round-ups.
  • Mama Loves Her Bargains – This blog owner is one of my favorite fellow bloggers! We often help promote and share to build our audience so this is definitely one of my favorite morning reads!
  • Friend/Family Blogs – I also frequent blogs of friends and family as well and love catching up on their daily happenings and watching my friend’s children grow and change!

Got Milk Infographic


One way to give your morning a boost when you sit down to read your own favorite blogs each morning is with a Morning Latte! has a great article with “4 Reasons to Embrace Your Latte“. This article shares great facts like did you know that the cup of milk included in your morning latte contains 9 essential nutrients including 30% of your daily value needed of calcium and 8 grams of protein to help keep you feeling full longer! More than half of all milk is consumed at breakfast time, so be sure you don’t miss your own morning serving, no matter how you prefer to sneak in milk! Check out for more information on The Breakfast Project including great recipes or connect with the Milk Mustache Facebook Page for fun content and games like Milk Daily Dose!

Disclosure: I will be compensated for my participation in the Latte Love campaign and for this post. Infographic above was provided by The Breakfast Project.

Mary Beth Hunt

Friday 26th of October 2012

I make my own coffee instead of going "out" (that way I can keep my pj's on as long as possible) and I always include REAL milk, 1/2 and 1/2 or cream in my coffee instead of fake products.

Amy Peschel

Friday 19th of October 2012

I'm like you. When everyone is off in the morning, I sit with my coffee and get online.

Cheryl W.

Friday 19th of October 2012

I am a total milk junkie. My kids tease and say if I were to cut myself, that I would bleed milk. LOL! I also make my rounds in the morning to my favorite blogs, Facebook, and emails.

Debbie Welchert

Wednesday 17th of October 2012

I'm terrible about drinking milk and the thing is I like it. Now all I have to do is start drinking it more and I plan on checking out some recipes to get me started.

Lisa R

Saturday 13th of October 2012

I checked out some of these blogs and have to read more. I like them, thanks sibabe64 at ptd dot net

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