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Mommy Wars? This Video Settles the Debate

I’m a Sisterhood of Motherhood sponsored blog partner, but all opinions are my own. Please see below for additional disclosure.

Have you ever been in a situation with a sideways glance from another parent and you just felt judged? Or maybe they whispered a snarky comment under their breath. You know, loud enough for you to hear but not speaking directly to you. Unfortunately, these experiences happen way too often. It’s easy to judge and not take the time to understand and accept others around us despite our differences.

Mommy wars

We all became parents when that new baby (or in some cases older children) were bought into our lives for the very first time. I can clearly recall how clueless I was as a first-time mom, navigating my entirely new role. The picture below is our first family selfie, my son is only 5 days old here. I remember so clearly thinking, “Now what?” as we brought him home from the hospital for the very first time completely unsure of ourselves as parents.

first family selfie

In those early days, I often turned to friends, family, and even internet “new mommy” support groups to find a mommy circle I could go to for advice and celebrate the milestones. What I found was lots and lots and lots of opinions, and often not always meant to help me find my own best way to raise my family. Similac believes that all parents should feel welcomed and united in the parenting space and I couldn’t agree more.

We are all entitled to our own opinions — no matter how strong they may be in favor of one side of an issue or the other. But, regardless of our own best methods for our families, we need to embrace love, support, and show kindness towards others. Remember, we are all learning this parenthood thing one step at a time. How to handle toddler tantrums? Well, the answer doesn’t come until we’ve faced a few tantrums and start to understand how our child best responses. Dealing with a teenager sneaking out of the house? We don’t know how to respond until we are there – staring the situation head on.

Similac produced a video that is funny and all to true about the clear debates we so often face in the mommy space. This is a must watch video that will make you laugh and you won’t believe how it ends!


I absolutely love this video, it tugs on my heart strings knowing that what it comes down to is taking care of our children with safety being the most important aspect. It’s all about doing the best we can and loving our own, and others too. Maybe it’s just my own postpartum hormones with a new, and likely last, little 2 month old in my home, but I literally tear up as the parents all join together to help the baby in the video. That’s what it’s all about. Raising our own children the very best we know how each day and being supportive to those around us, too, who are learning, just as we are, as we become parents with each new challenge we come across.

New Baby nathan

I’m thrilled to be joining with Similac this year in this campaign to unite parents in The Sisterhood of Motherhood. Let’s embrace each other, despite our differences, and reach out with compassion towards others realizing that we are all in this journey together. Embrace the idea of The Sisterhood of Motherhood by offering encouragement, not judgement, the next time you see a parent in need.

You can connect with Similac on their brand new Facebook page to join the conversation and encourage moms and parents everywhere as we learn and grow together.

What are your thoughts on Mommy Wars?

Similac partnered with bloggers such as me for its Sisterhood of Motherhood Program. As part of this program, I received compensation for my time. Similac believes that consumers and bloggers are free to form their own opinions and share them in their own words. Similac’s policies align with WOMMA Ethics Code, Federal Trade Commission (FTC) guidelines and social media engagement recommendations.


Thursday 29th of January 2015

I loved that video, it definitely holds true to we all just want what is best for our kids so don't be so judgy. Sometimes it's hard but as parents it is better to band together instead of standing on different sides of the street. Also the picture of your kiddo yawning is too cute.

Gabriel Bregg

Wednesday 28th of January 2015

Watching the mommy wars as a stay at home dad is very enlightening. It's hard to remember the newness sometimes with kids ranging from 24 years old down to 1 year old. I've always been unable to decide what bothered me more - unsolicited advice from people who don't have kids or from people with kids who should know better.


Wednesday 28th of January 2015

It really is a cute video. I love the message it sends. All the judging really needs to stop.

Mary O'Malley

Wednesday 28th of January 2015

I hope that when I have kids other mothers will help me, not judge me.

Shannon Gosney

Tuesday 27th of January 2015

I totally think there shouldn't be Mommy Wars. We should definitely be all more understanding and supportive of each other! :)

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