One easy way to get your finances organized easily is with a monthly bill payment checklist. Jot down all the bills that come through in a typical month and organize them by due date.
This simple spreadsheet is a perfect overview of your monthly bill payments and can help you more easily manage your account balances.
This free printable follows after our free family budget worksheet that helps you track your monthly expenses in a month-to-month format. Head over to grab that free printable, too!
How to Use the Bill Payment Checklist
To use this budgeting checklist, start by gathering all of your bills. Write down your bills starting with those due on the 1st of the month working your way through the month writing down bills in order by the date the payment is due.
If helpful, you can also record when your expected paychecks will come in and check them off as well to track incoming payments. As each bill is paid, you can check off the box by the corresponding month.
There are twelve circles – one for each month of the year. During the month, you can refer back to the checklist to see what bills are still coming up and plan and budget accordingly.
One key product I recommend is hole punched pocket dividers. These are wonderful for storing your receipts and bills until you can file them away at the end of the month.
Also grab our first free budgeting worksheet a Family Budget Worksheet! For another way to quickly payoff debt, turn to our free printable Debt Payoff Planner!
Our Family Budget Worksheet is another valuable tool to help you manage your finances! Grab the free printable here:
Build savings into your financial plan to have an emergency fund on hand for the unexpected. You can easily save $1,000 in less than a year by just saving a little each week.
Get Your Free Bill Payment Checklist Printable
To get your free copy of the monthly bill payment checklist, just click on the links below or on the image above.
Just print out your free bill pay checklist and get organized with a simple binder planner system to keep all your files organized.
Danielle Alves
Friday 17th of April 2015
I've tried other bill paying printables but did not keep them up. This one is so simple to use and nice and colorful. I always think I've paid a bill and end either end up being late or skipping a month. A little check mark and I'll know for sure. Thanks for the ease of use on this printable!
Monday 9th of February 2015
super idea. just what I needed
Connie Wilson
Friday 6th of February 2015
What a simple solution! I love this, thank you :-)
Personal Cash Flow Statement Worksheet - A Mom's Take
Friday 6th of February 2015
[…] time, we got our bills organized with a free Monthly Bill Payment Checklist printable. In two weeks, I’ll be sharing the next free printable in this series! Watch for […]
susan - ofeverymoment
Wednesday 4th of February 2015
I love how colorful and pretty this is. A nice way to add a bit of cheer to the dreariness of bill-paying! Found it at the Wonderful Wednesday hop - pinned. Thanks!!