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Mickey & Minnie Mouse Party Ideas

I received a hostess package with supplies and activities to host a Disney Side party. All opinions are my own.

A couple of weeks ago, I had friends over to show off our Disney side! I had so much fun planning and preparing for our Mickey & Minnie Mouse Party. I had so many different ideas and my contributor Aimee helped as well to dream up fun ideas for our party.

Our Disney side party was to show off all the love we have for Disney and reminisce on the fun found at the Disney Parks! There is nothing more magical than the excitement and fun of Disney World or Disneyland, so I was excited to try to bring that fun to our home.

We started the party by decorating t-shirts. The party kit included a set of white t-shirts and fabric markers so we let the kids decorate a t-shirt! They would then get to wear their t-shirts for the big bike race that was to follow. While some of the kids decorated shirts, the other half of the guests worked on cheer cards to cheer and encourage their fellow racers.

Disney Side Activities

When everyone had a chance to make a shirt and a cheer card, it was the time everyone was waiting for – time to race! I asked guests to bring a bike and we took turns. This is the first race crew with the parents and other kids waiting at the end of the loop to cheer on the racers. Then we switched places. The kids loved racing, and most went around the cul-de-sac track 3-4 times.

Mickey's Bike Race

Here is my little racer! He wanted to wear all red to look just like Mickey and I even made him is own custom Mickey ears to deck out his helmet.

Mickey's Bike Race

After the big race, we all headed inside for lots of snacks and goodies, including Mickey Mouse sugar cookies. Everyone grabbed a bowl for snacks and then we settled in to watch a classic Disney movie, Jungle Book. While the movie was playing I pulled out my HP Envy printer and used the HP photo paper from the party pack to print up a picture of each of the kids from our race!

Picture Favors

All the kids loved finding their picture to take home with them. It made the perfect take home gift. Each guest also go to take home a cute Minnie Mouse themed party favor bag. It was filled with all kinds of goodies including HP Photo cards, Muppets calendar, bracelet, dum-dums, stickers, temporary tattoos, and cranberries.

Minnie Party Favors

Minnie Mouse Party Favor Bags

To make these adorable favor bags, you’ll need:

  • Paper lunch bags
  • Red polka dot ribbon
  • Red feathers
  • Scrapbook paper
  • Marker
  • Stapler

Fill up your favor bag with all the party goodies you want to include. Roll the top closed and staple it shut to keep all the favors securely inside. Wrap a piece of red polka dot ribbon around the favor bag and tie in a bow. Be sure to tie this ribbon tightly so it doesn’t slip or fall.

Cut a piece of scrapbook paper into about 2″x3″ rectangles. Write your clever saying on the tags. I used the famous Mickey phrase “See ya real soon!” Write out your saying on each of the tags. Grab a couple of red feathers and one tag and hold them near the center of your ribbon’s bow. Staple all the items in place to secure.

Disney Side

How do you show off your Disney Side? You can join in the fun hosting your own Disney side party! Visit for recipes, activity ideas, themes, printable fun from HP, and so much more!

Do you have a Disney Side?