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DIY Home Command Center Ideas

Every family needs a Home Command Center, a hub of information to keep everyone organized and all important papers and info in one place. Usually a command center is somewhere in the home where the entire family frequents, so making it eye-catching and fun for your family is important as well. We’ve compiled some tips and tricks and DIY command center ideas that will work for your family specifically.

Try these 6 easy ideas to make a home command center that works for your family! Adapt the steps to fit your families needs and get organized. Your keys, paper pile and home organization will thank you!

Family Command Center Ideas

What will your family use the command center for?

Figure out all the info and items that your family needs to stay organized. (For our family, we needed: calendar, white board, clock, writing utensils and post-its, organizing containers, address book, dump spot-for all the random stuff we need to hold onto, mail spot, charging station, and keys)

Where should you put a command center in the home?

Find a location that is central for your family, easily accessible by everyone. You might use a cabinet above a counter that has already started accumulating your dump items, or a piece of furniture devoted just to keeping your family organized.

We used an old secretarial fold up desk that we refinished. I loved the many organizers and drawers to keep things separated, and my favorite part was that I could close up the clutter and keep the area neat.

Maybe a wall in your kitchen with some hanging baskets would fit your family. It doesn’t need to be elaborate, just what works for your family.

Plan out your command center first.

Draw out your plans. Before you begin nailing holes into your walls, get it down on paper. You can erase and re-draw as many times as you need to get your configuration right.

Put up your home command center–temporarily.

For wall-hanging items, cut out paper the size of the items to try out different locations and configurations. (the first time I set all the pieces up, I realized that I put my calendar too high that my kids couldn’t reach to write things on, and my white board was blocked.) It took multiple tries before I got the configuration that would work smoothly with our family.

How to create a family command center

Make your Family Command Center Unique to Your Family.

Spruce up the space with things that will inspire and uplift your family (ie. quotes, family pictures, plants, decor, clock, etc.) Don’t go overboard, remember the point of the area is to keep your family organized, not to get famous on Pinterest!

Time to test your Command Center Ideas!

Make sure it is something that your family will love and utilize. Be a little flexible, you might find that by moving some things around, it just seems to flow better, or some areas are more important than others and need to be easily accessible.

Home Command Center Ideas

Enjoy your new space and hopefully keep your family a little more organized at the same time.

What things do you include in your family’s Command Center?

Margaret S Porter

Thursday 14th of September 2017

My goal is to get organized. This is a great idea!

Toni | Boulder Locavore

Tuesday 27th of June 2017

I love this idea! I am planning to build a home command in our house. This is really helpful!

Dawn Lopez

Tuesday 27th of June 2017

I love the idea of having a Family Command Center. I bet my whole family would enjoy having something like this set up in our home.


Monday 26th of June 2017

I really need to set one of these up in my home. It would help keep us so much better organized!


Monday 26th of June 2017

These are great ideas! I just started redoing mind and hope I get it the way I like it before school starts again in the fall!

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