Coffee Filter Crafts are so fun to make and kids just absolutely LOVE to help so this Summer Wreath is a great project to get kids creative! This project only requires a few items and is very simple to make. I’ll warn you, there is a little mess making involved in the dye process of the filters but that is half the fun!
Coffee Filter Crafts – Summer Wreath
- coffee filters – approximately 50-75 for an 8″ wreath
- several colors of flavored drink mix pouches (like kool-aid) and/or food coloring mixed with 1 cup of water in individual plastic bowls
- strips of fabric 2″ wide and 15-20″ long for fabric flowers
- needle and thread
- foam wreath form (I used an upcycled piece of foam and cut to my desired shape and size)
- hot glue and glue gun
- news paper
Step 1
Begin by mixing your drink mix and/or food coloring with water. Make sure the food coloring or powder is dissolved.
Step 2
Place 3-5 separated coffee filters in each color to a time. Allow filters to soak in colored water for several minutes until desired color is reached.
Step 3
Remove filters from water and wring out access water.
Step 4
Lay several sheets of news paper onto your work surface. Lay coffee filters flat on news paper to dry.
Repeat steps 2 -4 until you have 50-75 colored filters. Allow all filters to dry completely.
Step 5
While coffee filters are drying, begin creating the fabric flowers. Carefully gather a strip of fabric onto your thread by stitching through the center of the strip.
Step 6
Once fabric is completely gathered onto the thread, pull the thread tight to ruffle the fabric.
Step 7
Begin coiling the ruffled fabric, tacking into place with your needle and thread. Continue wrapping and tacking until you’ve created a flower. Tie off the thread with a knot.
Repeat the steps to create a flower for any additional flowers you’d like to use.
Step 8
Create flowers from the coffee filters by pinching the filter from the center and twisting.
Repeat this step until all filters have become flowers.
Step 9
This step is optional but I think that it helps to make the wreath look completely finished. Wrap the wreath with some of your matching fabric strips, securing the fabric with hot glue.
Step 10
Begin attaching the coffee filter flowers to the wreath with hot glue. Make sure to place them close together to create a very full wreath. When all coffee filter flowers are attached, add the fabric flowers with hot glue as well.
To hang the wreath, you can simply loop a piece of coordinating fabric around the wreath and tie a bow or knot.
This is just one of many coffee filter crafts you can create yourself or with the kids. Imagine the fun vases of coffee filter flowers, seasonal projects, or holiday decor! Do you have some favorite coffee filter crafts?
Kimberly Lewis
Monday 14th of July 2014
So cute! Pinned. We love having you be a part of our party. I hope to see you tonight at 7 pm.
Theres Just One Mommy
Thursday 10th of July 2014
So pretty! Never would have guessed how it was made!
Penny Zeller
Tuesday 8th of July 2014
Hi Janel! This coffee filter wreath is such a great idea! Looking forward to getting my crafty side on and trying it out. :) Have a wonderful rest of your week!
Kristin Wheeler (@MamaLuvsBooks)
Saturday 21st of June 2014
What a fun craft to do this summer with the kids! THANKS!
Friday 20th of June 2014
I think I can make this, thanks for the craft idea!