If you are at all serious about blogging, or think you may someday become a more serious blogger, is it essential that you take the time to learn how to set a domain name. This is a very inexpensive purchase at just approximately $10/per year for your domain name registration. This is a very small investment that will insure that you will have your domain name of preference and won’t ever have to worry about switching over your blog post links down the road when you might be read to switch. This will also allow you to build up your Google Page Rank that won’t be built if you are using your name at a .blogspot or .wordpress type of account. When I first started blogging, I just used blogger’s free blog hosting service. A few months in I learned how important it was to have my own domain name and was able to continue using blogger but rather than being amomstake.blogspot.com I was able to change my name to www.amomstake.com.
How to Set a Domain Name in Blogger
If you use blogger to run your blog, you can follow this easy tutorial to learn how to set a domain name right from your settings panel. It is extremely simple and you’ll quickly wonder why you didn’t do this sooner! To start, login to your blogger dashboard and select your blog. Then, you will just select the “Settings” tab from the menu bar. It will be the last option on the list. Doing this will automatically bring you to the “Basic” settings page which is where you can change your name settings.
You will see a section called Publishing and under that your Blog Address. You can click the link right below your address that says, +Add a custom domain. Select that option.
You will be directed to a page where you have the option to search for a domain name and can even purchase your domain name right here through Google. I would, however, not recommend that you purchase your domain name here through Google. When I started my blog, I purchased my domain right through blogger. When I was ready to leave blogger’s platform and start using a self-hosted website using wordpress, it was extremely confusing and difficult to get my domain name switched from Google’s hosting to my own purchase independent of blogger and Google. You have to do some running around trying to verify that it was actually you that purchased your own domain and it is really confusing to do so. However, you can just visit www.GoDaddy.com , which is who I use, and purchase your domain name directly and you will have complete control over your domain name and avoid this future problem. Plus, GoDaddy.com almost always has a great sale going on where you can often even find your domain registration cheaper! So, the next step is to head over to www.GoDaddy.com
or your other choice of domain registrar and pick out your name.
Smoking Hot Savings! $5.99 .COM from GoDaddy.com!
Once you have purchased your domain name, you can click the link to “Switch to advanced settings”. Type in your domain name here. You may be prompted that you will need to take additional steps to verify your domain name ownership. Blogger will provide you with two CNAME settings. You will login to www.GoDaddy.com or your domain registrar and change your settings by adding the two additional CNAME records that are shown to you in blogger if this additional step is required for you.
Owning your own domain name will give you credibility that you are not in this as a very fleeting hobby. It is just a small step to take the time to invest a little bit of money and show you are serious about your blog.
Friday 8th of March 2013
I wish I would have found this sooner. Based on the advice of a friend I went ahead and purchased my domain name from google as soon as I started blogging.
Tuesday 5th of March 2013
This just got scary when I got to the whole cname business. GoDaddy has my $12.34 though. Thanks anyway.
A Mom's Take
Tuesday 5th of March 2013
Cnames are actually really easy once you find where they are edited. Here's GoDaddy's support page that hopefully can help you find them and finish your last step! I think you will be really glad once you do! http://support.godaddy.com/help/article/7921/adding-or-editing-cname-records?locale=en
Kristyn Featherston
Tuesday 5th of March 2013
I am not a 'too serious' blogger, but I think that this post has great information just in case i become more of a blogger! Thank you!
Carol TheAnswerIsChocolate
Monday 4th of March 2013
It worked!!!! I needed to be patient and let the behind the scenes stuff take the time it needed but I'm now on my own domain woo hoo! Thanks so much.
A Mom's Take
Tuesday 5th of March 2013
Yay!! Congrats on owning your own domain name!
Vicki M Taylor
Monday 4th of March 2013
thanks for the post. I'll have to talk to hubby about getting a domain name through our server so we can host it here. I never thought about it for my blog.
A Mom's Take
Tuesday 5th of March 2013
If you have the ability to host your own blog you will want to start using the self-hosting wordpress platform. This is different than just setting up your own domain name through blogger. Hosting generally runs for about $50 a year but if you already have a hosting server sounds like you can possibly avoid the yearly fee. This is the next big step to take in blogging after your domain name. I'll get around to a post on that eventually but you can just check out wordpres.org and it's a completely free download. Simply purchasing a domain name doesn't need to be hosted anywhere though, you can still continue to use blogger if that's what you've been using until you are ready to take the leap to completely self hosting your blog. It is a great step to take, though, so if you're ready for it absolutely do it!