I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Maytag. I received a promotional item as a thank you for participating.
You may remember my posts at the end of last year and beginning of this year about my Maytag Appliances I received to review. I love my appliances so much and they have really been fantastic appliances that I’m back to talk about them again. School is back in session which means our schedules are busy! My oldest two go to two different schools and with carpooling, homework, teacher meetings, and playdates we are always up to something. I just started back to school this past week as well and will be taking online classes as well as a once a week night class. With so much going on, it is so important to our family that we have appliances that we can truly count on!
Our Maytag fridge is constantly in use cycling out snacks, drinks, and meals. We’ve even found some creative uses for making our lunchbox prep faster by freezing sandwiches ready to go to grab each morning and dedicating a row of our fridge drawer to drinks and snacks that can be grabbed and assembled into the lunchbox. It also makes our snacks easy to grab after school when the kids always come home hungry after a full day learning and playing. They’ve been enjoying applesauce pouches, fruit cups, string cheese and yogurt best! We also use the auto-dispense water feature multiple times all day long! It helps us fill up the kids water bottles in the morning while we finish packing up their backpacks.
Having a hard working oven range that we can count on means we have the ability to make fun holiday treats together to celebrate life’s little moments. We recently made our own S’mores Halloween Graveyard complete with marshmallow ghosts! With all the food prep and meals we go through clean up is a breeze with our Maytag dishwasher! It’s roomy so we can fit even the most awkward shaped dishes. The dishwasher gives us the opportunity to help teach our kids responsibility by giving them simple jobs like loading and unloading the dishwasher with us and other age-appropriate chores.
When you’re in the market for new appliances, Maytag offers great quality appliances that are backed by a 10-year warranty so you know you can count on them!