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Foods that Naturally Improve Your Skin & Simple Skincare

Do you have a skincare routine you love? Did you know that taking good care of your skin can go beyond just what products you use? Simple Skincare is here to share some powerful foods that can make a huge difference for your skin!


Foods That Naturally Improve Your Skin!

Avocados– Soothes irritated skin; they’re abundant in essential oils and B-complex vitamins, also contains Niacin which is an anti-inflammatory.

Simple Skincare

Mangoes– Maintains and Repairs skin cells; contains 80% of your daily Vitamin A which helps to repair skin cells as well as fight free radical damage that can prematurely age skin.

Almonds– Moisturizes dry skin; contains Vitamin E, Vitamin E’s rich oils moisturize dry skin and its antioxidants protect against skin damage and premature aging.

Simple Skincare

Mushrooms– Improves blemishes and rosacea; rich in riboflavin which is involved in tissue maintenance and repair.

Blueberries– Protects from premature aging because they are full of antioxidants.


Take Care of Your Skin with Simple Skincare

Simple Skincare

Simple Skincare offers a line of skincare products that will give you the very best regime for those with sensitive skin. Their products will tackle the steps you need for healthy skin. Start by cleansing your face with Simple Cleansers with which moisturize, too. Then, using Simple Facial Toner will help to restore, soften and smooth your skin. Don’t forget the crucial step of protecting your skin with a moisturize. You will love that the Simple Skincare products have no dyes, harsh irritants, or artificial perfumes so they are ideal for those with sensitive skin!

The next time you head to your local Safeway to stock up on groceries, be sure to pick up a few (or all!) of the foods above and see what a difference they can make for your skin! While there, you can also stock up on Simple Skincare!

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. I will be compensated for my time and efforts on this post.


Saturday 6th of July 2013

These are great suggestions for improving your skin naturally. Thanks for sharing!

Denise Taylor-Dennis

Friday 5th of July 2013

I love this line of products, I've been using their lightweight moisturizer for a few weeks now. I like that it is free of artificial ingredients.


Friday 5th of July 2013

I like all of the above. (Gianna)

Christine H.

Friday 5th of July 2013

Glad to learn about these. I only wish I actually liked mushrooms lol because I have rosacea. I usually just make sure I drink plenty of water because I can tell the difference in my skin when I do and don't. I'm going to try these out though. Thanks!


Friday 5th of July 2013

Love the info knew about the avocados, but the others i didn't. I had better get on down to the store and pick up some mangos, blueberries and mushrooms and almonds. I love them just don't eat them regularly like I do avocados, Thanks for the information!!!

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