There’s nothing worse than grabbing your baby, a diaper, and wipes only to realize you really need something else in that crucial moment that’s now out of reach. I learned early on in my parenting days to keep a stocked basket with all of the common things I might need for my baby together in a baby essentials kit. I keep my basket right beside our changing table stocked with the basics I’m often searching for whether that be midnight feedings or to soothe a teething infant – having a toolkit ready can be a total sanity saver.
Baby Essentials Kit
This post is sponsored by Huggies. All opinions are my own.
Here’s a Baby Essentials list to help you start your own kit:
- Diapers
- Wipes
- Swaddling blanket
- Change of clothes
- Toys
- Pacificer
- Hand sanitizer
- Book
- Soothing ointment / diaper rash cream
- Thermometer
- Nail clippers
- Nasal aspirator
Of course, you can add anything else you frequently need to your own kit. For example, if you have a girl, hair bows just may be an essential that needs to be front and center ready to go. Teething tablets or other medicines can be stored on hand when your baby is too young to reach them on their own, since your basket will likely be in a lower spot than your medicine cabinet keep in mind if you are likely to have other children around. If your baby has a lot of reflux, a burp cloth or two will probably quickly become essentials.
Plan one central location for your baby essentials kit, but keep in mind you may need a second location with a backup kit of sorts ready and loaded specifically for diaper changes. I actually have several spots around my home with a small stash of diapers, a tub of wipes, and a small toy ready to go.
Huggies Designer Tubs come in gorgeous styles and look really cute so that they can easily blend in with your home without looking like a big huge white tub that screams “baby.” They are super easy to refill with a top that pulls completely off to refill your wipes container from a larger refill pack or individual refill packs. That means you can save money with a big warehouse sized refill box and then just grab a handful of 30-40 wipes at a time and load up your designer tub as needed and keep it within easy reach.
I love to save money, but I also really appreciate things that can look good and complement my home, so it’s a perfect win-win situation! Huggies Designer Tubs are available at Target, click to see all the adorable tub designs they have available!
anna pry
Monday 28th of July 2014
i love the cute wipes container but i haven't seen them for sale anywhere
cynthia Painter
Monday 28th of July 2014
The wipes are so pretty, much nicer looking if it is going to set out in plain view!
courtney b
Thursday 17th of July 2014
i love that someone is finally changing up the old ugly wipe carrier ! ! its about time!
Kimberly Lewis
Monday 14th of July 2014
Fabulous idea! Pinned. Hugs! Lou Lou Girls
Thursday 10th of July 2014
This is a super cute idea, Janel! Thank you bunches for linking up and partying with us this week!