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Utilizing Small Spaces

This post is written and brought to you by Sharon B.R on behalf of Keter who offer a wide range of outdoor storage boxes and solutions.

Fact is that most of us don’t live in the (former) Spelling Manor with an attic big enough to store the cast of Dynasty, Charlie’s Angels, Beverley Hills 90210, and all their entourages. Yes, we the simple people of the world, watch Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous with interest…and hope, and when the program is over, return to wondering how to make best with what we actually do have.

Although most of us have not amassed the fortune of an Aaron Spelling, we have probably accumulated a disproportionate amount of possessions – possessions that clutter the small homes in which we live. And even if we have a larger home, chances are that we have insufficient space for all our ever-growing storage requirements. Consequently, we are left with two options – either get rid of what we don’t really need, or find smart ways of using what we do have; after all, it ain’t what you got but the way that you use it.

Given that most of us aren’t exactly into spring cleaning unless it’s absolutely necessary, it is best to make use of the space we have as efficiently as possible.

In every home there are numerous nooks and crannies that are either not utilized or underutilized. Take the kitchen as an example. If you are running short on storage space, adding a magnetic strip to the wall provides quick and instant storage for knives. Similarly, a metal wall attachment with hooks creates space for pots and pans. These space ideas also give your kitchen a rustic look that adds character.

If all you have under your bed is dust, then first get out the vacuum cleaner and then invest in some storage boxes that fit under the bed. Plastic storage boxes, given their transparency, make it easy to quickly locate what you have stored and protect the items from dust and the odd creepy-crawly that tends to enter your bedroom.

Is your laundry cramped? Check out the space above the door. Is there room to fit a shelf in there? Chances are that there is and with that shelf comes additional storage. In small spaces, every drop of storage counts.

If you have a back yard, your storage options have just increased. Not everything has to be stored inside. Storage sheds come in a range of different sizes and designs to suit virtually every size backyard. Plastic sheds are easy to assemble, relatively inexpensive, rarely require city planning permits, provide year-round protection from the elements, and are an excellent storage solution for items that you would normally store indoors such as large toys as well outdoor items such as gardening equipment.

To find new ways of creating space you simply need to utilize the small space in your head and generate ideas for creating and utilizing the larger spaces in and around your home.