My shelf stable food arrived early this week and my frozen foods are set to arrive today! So, yesterday I officially started my Nutrisystem journey. I rearranged all the shelf foods that arrived into one very full box organized by meal and now it’s really easy to just grab a meal for each of the entree times of the day.
Then, I scheduled out my meals for the next 3 days to make it so simple that I don’t even have think about what to eat, just prepare it! The first picture below shows my meals arranged for the next 3 days easy to reach! The freezer meals are still in the freezer, of course.
Then, the pictures show what I ate today! Wondering what a day with Nutrisystem looks like? Here’s what I ate yesterday!
Breakfast – Entrée — Cranberry Orange Pastry
Breakfast – Protein Drink — Vanilla
Snack – PowerFuel — String Cheese, low fat
Lunch – Entrée — Double Choc Caramel Bar
Lunch – PowerFuel — Luncheon Meat, 2 oz
Snack – SmartCarb — Tangerines 2 medium
Dinner – Entrée — Lasagna with Meat Sauce
Dinner – SmartCarb — Bread, whole wheat 1 slice
Vegetables x2 — Romaine Lettuce Salad
Dessert – Entrée — Fudge Brownie
The entrée’s and protein drink is provided by Nutrisystem and then you have choices for what items to add in for your “PowerFuel” and SmartCarb”. I thought my first day’s meals were “okay” they certainly weren’t the best food I’ve ever had but they far surpassed most microwavable or previously prepared foods. They were really easy to prepare though and I liked being able to add in some of my own foods that made the meals feel more complete. Check back next week to see my success from my first week!
Goal for this upcoming week:
Get in those 8 cups of water a day!! This is really hard for me but I’ve got a full jug of water sitting next to me as I type and I’m halfway there for the day!
Want to lose weight and get healthy on Nutrisystem? Join today by calling 1-888-853-4689 or by visiting
Disclosure: I have been provided Nutrisystem food and their program as part of the Nutrisystem Nation Blogger Program. I was not compensated in any other manner. The opinions expressed above are my own and any claims should be verified on the sponsor’s site. Results are my own and your results and experience may vary.
Rebecca P
Monday 23rd of January 2012
hi, i just started nutrisystem and i wanted to ask you if the breakfast and lunch bars are a nutrisystem entree or a powerfuel? im really confused....Â
A Mom's Take
Thursday 2nd of February 2012
 @536d205cc83703a5f1db4ffb428ed400:disqus -- The lunch bars are your ENTREE. Powerfuels are things you add in yourself like nuts, meats, dairy. Good luck!! :)
Donna D
Monday 23rd of January 2012
I think the food looks great, Fudge Brownie Yum! I wish you the best of luck, I'll be watching your post to see how your doing..
Monday 16th of January 2012
Hope it continues to be something you can do. Best of luck!
colleen boudreau
Saturday 14th of January 2012
congrats!! i've always wanted to try this. good luck :)
Heather K Miller
Friday 13th of January 2012
I was glad to read this review because I have always wondered how the food actually tastes. Thanks for your honesty about it!