A small group of ladies from my ward host a scripture study group and love to study different books together. Our most recent book we decided to delve into is The Second Coming of the Lord written by Gerald Lund. This is a new edition of his original book he wrote 50 years ago.
We all enjoyed the book, but felt at times that it wasn’t very straight-forward which made it sometimes hard to remember what he actually said and what we learned. A few of us wished we had a summary. I took on the challenge, and used my highlights and notes to recap the most important things throughout the book.
This post is just a very, very brief summary and doesn’t include the many scriptures and references including throughout the book. I think this would be a great resource to print and put inside your own copy of the book for reference and as a study aid, but it shouldn’t be considered a complete study. I received a personal witness of many of these teachings through the study reading through the book and highly encourage you to read the book as well.
**Stick around to the end of the post for a printable version of this Book Summary!
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The Second Coming of the Lord by Gerald Lund
Chapter Summaries by Janel Case
TLDR: The Lord will protect the faithful. There will be many hard things we will go through. Being prepared temporally and spiritually, understanding and watching for the signs, and being in tune to receive and act on personal revelation will help you face the difficulties ahead. We will need to do our part in warning and preparing those around us of the coming of Christ and help to gather Israel. We won’t know the exact time, but can see by watching for the signs to be prepared for what is to come. We know that he will come again and we anxiously await that day.
Part 1: Living in the Last Days
Preface: Much has unfolded in the 50 years. “What had once been prophecy was now history.”
1: Prophecies Are Being Fulfilled – History repeats itself. Christ prophesied that Jerusalem would be encircled with armies and when they would see this sign, the Jews must flee. Those that listened and left when the troops suddenly withdrew for a short time were spared. The Lord cares about our preparation for what is coming and the coming separation of the righteous.
2: Increase in Wickedness & Protection – The world is increasing exponentially in wickedness, but the Lord is at the helm and will not let His work fail. We will not be exempt from trials, but we can rely on God who is in control and will perform miracles, even “His mightiest works.”
3: Voice of Warning & Promise – The prophets will be His voice – a voice of warning and a voice of promise. If we heed that voice we will be blessed. If we do not hearken we will be cursed, even our freedom may be taken away. We are to be a voice of warning to our neighbors.
4: A Covenant People – We have been given covenants – agreements with conditions set by God. We are to accept knowing that the terms will be fulfilled for our good. He promises that we will “abide in [His] love,” that he will lead us by the hand, and He will give us answers to our prayers.
5: Gathering of Israel – The most important work today is the gathering of Israel. All other dispensations have seen a dispersion of the Lord’s covenant people. Our dispensation is one of gathering into the worldwide stakes of Zion.
Part 2: How Soon The End?
6: Be Anxiously Engaged – Don’t put aside your current responsibilities and simply sit around waiting to be taken up at any moment. We have many scriptures that declare the time is soon, the eleventh hour, that the day comes quickly – but we are still awaiting fulfillment after nearly 200 years. God does not experience time the same way we do.
7: Watch the Signs – Accumulating signs will help us know the time is approaching. Study and know the signs to see His hand working, even in the midst of the difficulties.
8: The Seventh Seal – The apostle John sees a book with seven seals which represent the 7 dispensations – each seal covering 1,000 years. There will be a short period of time when the 7th seal is open and before the Savior’s return.
9: Wheat & Tares – For a time, the wheat and tares will grow together to protect the tender wheat from being uprooted. Jesus will send ministering angels to gather the elect before His coming. Angels of judgment will be released to harvest the wheat from the tares. Wilford Woodruff said they were released from heaven on April 6, 1893. Judgments will come through increasing natural disasters.
10: The Times of the Jews – The time for the gospel to be taught to the “Christian nations” is nearly fulfilled. Then, the gospel will go to the Jews. In 1947 the United Nations formally recognized the Jewish nation and established Israel as a state. Today, there is exponential growth in the church in Central and South America, Asia, and Africa.
Part 3: The Dreadful Day
11: The Gospel Provides Safety – Brother Lund shared an experience flying on a small 4-prop engine plane. We will face turbulence in the lead up to the second coming. He has promised protection, refuge, and safety through the storm.
12: Satan’s Dominion – Enoch saw Satan with a great chain and darkness poured out over the earth. Satan would use 7 tactics to reach his goals: Sin, Comparison, Selfishness, Power & Corruption, Greed, and Pride (plus Distraction!)
13: Wars and Rumors of War – “Concerning the wars that will shortly come to pass, beginning at the rebellion of South Carolina… the time will come that war will be poured out upon all nations, beginning at this place.” This prophecy was fulfilled on April 12, 1861 when South Carolina fired on federal troops at Fort Sumter and America began the Civil War. This war had limited effect on the members because they had moved west.
14: Natural Disasters – God is the ruler of the elements. Natural disasters are one way he shows His power and calls His people to repentance. It helps turn people to be dependent on God and to be humble.
15: The Constitution – The founding of the United States and the Constitution were not accidents. This land is a “land of promise” with the warning that “whatsoever nation shall possess it shall serve God, or they shall be swept off.” The prophet Joseph Smith prophesied that “they shall bear the constitution away from the very verge of destruction.”
Part 4: The Great Day
16: Zion in America – Zion is wherever the righteous Saints are, a place where the pure in heart live. The city of New Jerusalem will be built in Jackson County, Missouri. The Saints will gather in their homelands and to their Stakes of Zion, until the First Presidency directs otherwise.
17: The Law of Consecration – The Law of Consecration is a celestial law designed to help us become a celestial people. The Law of Consecration will be established again as part of the Zion society. It is one of the signs of the last days.
18: New Jerusalem – The covenant people will be led by a prophet back to their own promised land in Jackson County, Missouri. Those who will return will have the angels of God and the presence of Jehovah Himself to lead them. The return will occur during a time of war and upheaval.
19: A Temple in Zion – The site for the temple will be reclaimed and the house of the Lord will be built there prior to the Millennium. During the Millennium we will be doing ordinance work for the dead.
20: Gathering to Zion – The prophet will lead the return to Jackson County. This will likely not be a one-group or one-time-only experience. Not all faithful members will be called to go to Zion. There will be many smaller cities of Zion.
21: The Lost 10 Tribes – The Lost Tribes of Israel will be restored sometime in the future in such a miraculous manner that it would even overshadow the delivery of the people of Moses from Egypt.
22: Return of the Lost Ten Tribes – The Lost 10 Tribes will return to both Old Jerusalem and the City of Zion. The scriptures describe a highway, or a route, that will help them in their journey. They will bring their own records with them. Sister Nelson shared an experience of finding someone from all 12 tribes of Israel in a small gathering.
23: Meeting at Adam-ondi-Ahman – Adam will return and call his posterity to gather again at Adam-ondi-Ahman where a council will be held to prepare those in attendance for the coming of the Son of Man. This event will precede the great day of the destruction of the wicked and will be the preparation for the Millennial Reign.
Part 5: The Winding-up Scenes
24: Gog & The Antichrist – Armageddon is the final great battle in a war that involves all nations. The battle may go on for many years, but the last great battle will take place in the Holy Land. The leader of the battle will be called Gog who will rule alongside a religious leader – the antichrist. They will cause all to receive the mark of the beast.
25: Armageddon & 2 Witnesses – The only nation that will stand against Gog is Israel. All nations will turn against Jerusalem to battle. During Armageddon Jerusalem will once again be encompassed with armies for 42 months. Two witnesses will prophesy in Jerusalem during this time for 1,260 days. Gog and his armies will kill these 2 prophets and their bodies will lie dead in the streets for 3.5 days. They will be resurrected and ascend up to heaven in a cloud.
26: An Earthquake – In the same hour the two prophets are taken to heaven there will be a great earthquake which will cause a split in the Mount of Olives creating an escape route to escape the army of Gog. As they escape, they will see the Savior and ask about the wounds in his hands and his feet. He will reveal that he is Jesus Christ. The army of Gog will be destroyed by hail and fire from heaven.
27: Changes to the Earth – Great changes will come upon the earth. The earth will be as it was in the days before it was divided. The dead sea will be healed – a major feat as this is the lowest point on earth at 1,400 feet below sea level and with a 34% salinity. It would need a way to cycle the water to reduce the salt content, which is currently impossible due to the topography.
28: He Comes! – There are 7 major events that lead up to and constitute the grand event known as the “Second Coming.” We do not know the order of these 7 events.
- Signs in the Heavens – The signs in the heavens include the sun shall be darkened and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven. A sign of the Son of Man will be as the light of the morning cometh out of the east.
- The actual Second Coming – Everyone on the earth will see the great sign in heaven of his coming together. With him will be ten thousands (or innumerable) of his saints.
- Clothed in red raiment – His garments will be red in apparel like “him that treadeth in the wine-vat” for the blood he has sprinkled upon his garments.
29: He Shall Reign – We continue to dive into the 7 events:
- The burning of the world by fire – At his coming “the mountains shall melt with fervent heat.” Those that pay tithing are promised that they will be spared and will not be burned at his coming.
- The kingdom of God on the Earth – Jesus will rule over all of the earth as a political leader. He will be called “King of Kings, and Lord of Lords.”
- The return of the city of Enoch – The city of Enoch will descend from heaven to meet with the City of Enoch here on earth.
30: Resurrection – The resurrection happens in stages.
- The Resurrection – When Christ was Resurrected the First Resurrection began. It will begin again just before His coming when “saints that have slept shall come forth to meet me in the cloud.” The Second Resurrection begins at the end of the Millennium.
31: The Millennium and a Final Battle – The Millennium will be a time for temple ordinance work. There will be no enmity between man and beast or any flesh. There will be no death. Satan will not have power to tempt any man and will be bound. At the end of the Millennium, Satan will be let loose for a short season. Satan will gather his armies and battle against Michael (Adam) in a great final battle. The devil and his angels will be cast away into their own place and shall no longer have power over the saints. The earth will be “crowned with glory, even with the presence of God the Father; That bodies who are of the celestial kingdom may possess it forever and ever.”
Part 6: If Ye Are Prepared Ye Shall Not Fear
32: The Need to Be Ready – The Lord has given these commands: “Watch, therefore, that ye may be ready” and “If ye are prepared ye shall not fear.” The tribulations will begin upon His house. The Church is the craft the Lord has given us to help charter our way through troubled waters. Many promises were given to His covenant people. As evil increases in the world, a compensatory spiritual power will be given to the righteous.
33: Increase in Knowledge – Be cautious of the sources for which we look for truth. We cannot learn everything we need to know at church meetings. We are expected to study and be watchful of the events of the Second Coming. Don’t just study the scriptures but: feast, meditate, hold fast, liken, search diligently, treasure up, and lay hold upon them with a daily habit to read. Great promises are given to those who spend time in the scripture.
34: Temporal Preparedness – Prepare so that we are not totally reliant on someone else for our support. Prepare with a 3-month supply of your normal diet, drinking water, financial reserve, and long-term storage. Be wise stewards of our finances and avoid debt. We can’t expect the church to have the resources to provide for us if we do not prepare.
35: Spiritual Preparedness – It will not be possible for us to lighten our burdens, we will need to strengthen our spiritual bridges. Jesus gave 3 parables to help us prepare:
- The 10 Virgins: Deepen your Spiritual Devotion.
It will be necessary for us to have a knowledge of the truth of this work for ourselves, or we will fall. - The Talents: Share the Gospel. In return for what the Lord has given us He asks that “we labor to do His work, expand His kingdom, and increase His influence in the world.”
- The Sheep and the Goats: Service to Others. We are called to minister: “Ministering is Christlike caring for others and helping meet their spiritual and temporal needs.”
Epilogue: We have seen an increase in wickedness and calamities, war and disasters. We have also seen the unfolding of the great day with the Church becoming a truly global church. The Savior wants us to know what the future holds and how to prepare for it. He will prepare places of peace, safety, and refuge for us.
Final Thoughts & Printable Summary
I hope this resource has been helpful for you in your own preparation for the Second Coming. If you have not yet purchased this book, I highly recommend you do so to take a deeper dive into all the content discussed here. You can pick up a copy of The Second Coming of the Lord by Gerald Lund on Amazon. It is available in both Hardcover and Kindle versions. Making a purchase through my link is a great way to thank me for this resource, at no cost to you!
For more great book ideas to study, head over to see my Favorite LDS Books Amazon List!
Book Club Study Format / Suggestions
If you’d like to read this book with your own Scripture Study group, I think the discussion was very valuable and worthwhile.
Our group decided to read 3 chapters between each visit. At this pacing, it took us about 10 months, with a break in the middle for summer. I will say, 3 chapters at a time, an average of 40 pages, was a lot to digest. Depending on your group, you may need to choose to just cover 2 chapters each meeting.
We met every 2 weeks, which was a great cadence. It was so interesting to have something pop up in the news that coordinated with most of our readings at many of our meetings!
Printable Book Summary Download
As one final parting resource, I’ve also compiled this summary in two formats – this condensed format and a little bit more expounded summary that prints as 8 pages or 4-pages printed front-to-back. I am offering this resource free, but with the expectation that this file is NOT shared publicly. If you’d like to share this resource, please direct people to this full blog post. This helps to protect my original work and include all the pertinent details and credit for the work. Thank you for honoring this request!
Here, you’ll find the printable Book Summary! I highly recommend printing your choice of summary – the 3-page or the 8-page version. The first one is extra condensed with less quotes included.
- Page 2-4 – A shortened synopsis
- Page 5-12 – A printer friendly longer version
Please share your own biggest insights and takeaways from this book in the comments!
Saturday 12th of October 2024
Thank you so much for this wonderful resource.