Fall is my favorite time of year. I love the chill in the air, I love the colors, and I love the smell of school supplies. As a former teacher I have always gladly looked forward to the first day of school. The excitement that builds as spontaneous, care-free summer days come to an end and scheduled, structured days take over as we head back to school. That is, until I became a mom.
I received compensation for this post. All ideas and opinions are my own.
I know it sounds cliche, but can you believe how quickly kids grow up? I swear just yesterday I was bringing this sweet boy home from the hospital, and next week he heads off to school 5 days a week.
I thought I was ready, but I am not. The thing is I worry about him being away from me and staying safe. Here are 5 ways I keep calm and remove some of stress and worry from my mind, while making sure I have met all of my sons needs.
Prepare him- Most of the time I try to protect my kids from my worries. For example, I worry about him making friends or feeling nervous, but I tell him how awesome he is and how much fun he is going to have. But sometimes you have to share your worries with them so that they understand why we have rules. I want him to know why it is important that he listens to his teacher, that he stays away from strangers, that he comes home when school is over. Preparing kids for transitions helps them understand what is coming and how to deal with it.
Teach him- Does he know how to meet new people? Make friends? Rely on the things he knows are right rather than following what everyone is doing? How about more basic things, like his phone number and address? Now is the time to make sure he knows what he needs to!
Volunteer- When I was teacher and I had moms worried about their kids, I encouraged them to get in the classroom. Come in and see how things work at school. Come in and see their child in action. Children are so resilient and strong. I know that deep down, but I plan on spending some time in his classroom to reassure me of his strengths.
Keep Track of Him- I don’t know if there is anything more worrying to me than sending my kid to school on the bus. Isn’t it funny how something so simple, that I did everyday as a child, can make me the most concerned! Thank goodness for my SafeStop App.
The SafeStop app is a powerful and secure application that connects parents with vehicles carrying their children. It shows you a real time map that allows you to see when your child’s bus leaves and when it will arrive at their bus stop or school. The app also features an alert system that lets you know when there are school closings, early dismissals, and other important dates and events!
The SafeStop app is accessible from any device connected to the Internet– smartphones, tablets and desktop computers. It can be downloaded from the Apple App Store and Google Play. And it is really easy to get all you have to do is check and make sure it is available at your school. If it is not currently, make sure you request that you can use it in the future. Next, sign up for a low monthly price. Download the app and start tracking. What a great way to give yourself a little peace of mind as you send your kids on their way. Find out more about SafeStop on their website.
Sunday 30th of August 2015
I think I am more afraid of the school year than my kids are
Autumn @Mamachallenge
Tuesday 25th of August 2015
These are great tips! Both of my children are in school this year! That sounds like an awesome app to have!
Amy Desrosiers
Tuesday 25th of August 2015
I love Fall so much too! I cannot wait until it is time to head back to school!
Tuesday 25th of August 2015
These are great tips. I cried when my first born went to kindergarten. Kids grow so fast!
Sabrina @ Dinner, then Dessert
Monday 24th of August 2015
Leaving your kid at school can feel so weird when all you've known for years is having them around all the time!