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Singing Time Monthly Song List Printable

**This post has been updated with an editable song list following the new Come, Follow Me format and republished on my singing time ideas blog, Primary Singing! Head over to see that new post with printable Monthly Song List!

This is my second year as a LDS Primary music leader, and this Singing Time Monthly Song List was one of the most helpful tools from my first year. It blows me away to realize I’ve already been in this calling for a full year! I scoured the internet for information when I was first starting out as a primary chorister, and found lots of good ideas, but ultimately had to come up with something that would work best for me.

To simplify each month for both me and the Primary pianist, I decided to create a list of songs that would stay the same each week of the month. While the singing time activities would vary each week and what songs we focused on might change a little bit, too, I still knew that I had specific songs I wanted to work on for the month. I’d then keep everything neatly organized in my Singing Time Binder!

Primary Singing Time Song List - A resource for LDS music leader / chorister to help get organized for the year of songs! #LDS #Mormon #Primary #PrimaryChorister #PrimaryMusicLeader #Music #SingingTime #Printable

Singing Time Monthly Song List

Wiggle Songs: I aimed for one high energy, favorite song that included movement for the first wiggle song as we start singing our wiggle songs while some classes and kids are still coming into the Primary room. Next, I wanted a wiggle song that would get everyone up on their feet, as the movement now always helps them be a little more still later. Finally, we would end our wiggle songs with a still fun and upbeat song, but something with less movement. To simplify the year, I picked out 3 songs for the first 6 months, then repeated those songs for the following 6 months.

Opening Reverent Song: After a quick welcome to Primary, we then move right into a reverent song. To build in practicing for the program songs for the year, I simply choose one of the 8 program songs to use as the introduction song. To keep a variety and help refresh songs we learn early in the year, the month’s song is different than the ones we would work on during the Singing Time block.

Singing Time Monthly Song List Printable Singing Time 04317

Welcome & Birthday Songs: I picked out my favorite few welcome and birthday songs, and repeated them as necessary to get us through the year. I decided on 2 welcome songs and 3 birthday songs. I’ve tried other welcome songs, and they just haven’t “stuck” with my group, so you could definitely add some more variety there if your Primary has other welcome songs they like.

Singing Time: For this section, I include three songs that I might want to work on during the month in Singing Time. That always includes the song of the month, plus some other songs I plan to add in for variety during each Singing Time block. We don’t necessarily sing all 3 songs in a week, but during the month those are the ones I plan my lessons around.

Closing Song: I picked the various closing songs to be themed around the month’s lesson theme. Since Sharing Time is at the end of primary, it seemed the best way to close the meeting was with a song that would closely tie to the month’s lessons themes.

You can get started customizing this song list to your own ward’s needs. It’s really helpful to make a plan for the year for your songs so that you’re not scrambling each month. It’s easy to change and update your lists, but having that foundation will really help keep you organized and ahead of the game. Just print out your Word Document copy of my song list, and edit away!

singing time binder for primary

A note about layout — I really love the 2-column design. It lets me quickly see what’s coming up the following month, and the pianist as well. But when it comes time for singing time, I fold the paper in half (hot dog style) and it’s super easy to see all of the songs by slipping the song list into the far left edge of my binder. Even with other papers and songs in the binder, I can still easily see the song list and follow it down the line to the next song as I’m leading. It helps me stay very organized. Hop over to see my Primary Singing Time binder next. It’s a really great system that I love for leading music!

Singing Time Monthly Song List Printable Singing Time Pianist Song List*** Click Here —–> to Print the Singing Time Song List Printable ***

(Note: I use two cutesy fonts to customize the look. KG Payphone font is free and one of my favorite fonts to use! I also use Strawberry Blossom font as a script font for the month titles. If you want yours to look just like my example photo, you would need to download and install those two, completely free, fonts or substitute them with your own favorite fonts).

By repeating these songs throughout the month, it helps the children to become more familiar with the songs and is a great way to actually teach the kids more songs throughout the year. It also cuts down significantly on the preparation time needed for both me and the pianist as we are comfortable with the songs by the beginning of the month and don’t need extra effort towards learning the melodies.

primary singing time song list

You’re welcome to use this monthly song planner and edit it to fit your own needs, as long as it for your own personal use (and use by your corresponding Primary callings – presidency, pianist, etc). If you want to share this idea with someone else, please direct them back to this post to get their own free copy for use.

Happy Singing!

More Resources for Primary Music Leaders

As this is mainly a parenting and lifestyle blog, you can bookmark and follow by my LDS label to see updates and new posts! I’m going to be sharing my singing time binder and nursery singing baskets shortly! 🙂

Primary Singing Time BinderSinging Time Binder

DIY Plastic Egg ShakersSo easy to make in minutes - plastic Easter egg music shakers perfect for a LDS primary chorister or other music leader -- or even as a preschool music time kids activity!


Sunday 25th of February 2018

Thanks for putting together the list. I just added the link to my home screen.

Renee Hart

Monday 15th of January 2018

I love your Primary Singing Time Planner and have already made good use of it. Thank you for sharing. I am anxiously awaiting your binder helps! Mine is a mess:-(


Wednesday 17th of January 2018

Yay!! So glad it was helpful. I think you'll love the binder! :) Coming SOON, hopefully next week.

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