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Get pregnant fast with the “Strength” of Uconceive!

Uconceive, a First-of-Its-Kind Conception Kit Designed to Address Both Male and Female Fertility Issues, Awarded U.S. Patent for Safe, Effective Conception Support.

uconceive conception kit

The old adage “if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again” is the mantra of couples who are trying to conceive as well as the health care providers counseling them. Chances are that if you’re a woman under 35, and have no known medical issues, your doctor will tell you to try for a year before seeking fertility assistance. If you’re over 35, try for 6 months before seeking further help.

While the female is getting poked, prodded, and tested, the male is often overlooked in the conception process. The main reason? Men don’t normally seek help from a urologist unless there’s a problem, while women often have a stronger, lasting relationship with their gynecologist. But, the male is just as vulnerable to conception issues as females. Research has found that male factor issues are found in over 40% of couples trying to conceive (TTC). Luckily, male issues are often less expensive to treat, as well as being considerably less invasive.

In the end, 20% of all couples who have tried to conceive for over a year will fail, and many begin to feel the stress of “trying” after only 3 or 4 unsuccessful months. Frustrated, many couples have turned to the Internet for advice on how to get pregnant. Overwhelmed with information, they may have tried any number of remedies, techniques, or expensive alternatives and found little success. All that misinformation and “snake oil” is what drove Dr. Scott M. Sweazy, a board-certified Urologist and Fertility Specialist, to create Uconceive – the safe, effective and patented conception kit based on scientific research.

Dr. Sweazy, along with his wife Jill, have created a fully integrated kit – meaning that all stages of conception are addressed in both the female and the male – that will help you get pregnant faster, safely, and without invasive treatments. Uconceive integrates techniques for predicting ovulation, confirming ovulation, fertility-enhancing nutraceuticals for both the male and female partners, and also a method for confirming a successful conception. In addition, Uconceive is the only product of its kind that specifically addresses the two phases of the female’s ovulation cycle separately. In fact, Uconceive is so special and uniquely different from all other products on the market that it has been awarded a United States patent.

Whether you’re trying to conceive, wanting to time your pregnancy, or having difficulty conceiving – Uconceive can help. Older couples with a “ticking” biological clock will also benefit. Make Uconceive your first option for conception. Uconceive – making families, one baby at a time.

About the Uconceive development team:

Dr. Scott Sweazy is a board-certified Urologist and Fertility Specialist. In his practice, he performs numerous fertility-enhancing surgical procedures and counsels couples regarding their conception options.

Jill Sweazy has a PhD in health sciences and has worked in the pharmaceutical industry. She is the owner and President of Merriton Medical, LLC.

For more information go to:

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Uconceive Conception Kit

*Infertility can be a costly condition.  We all know that the emotional costs can be quite high, but so can be the medical costs.  Infertility treatments can cost as much as $10,000.00 per attempt.  Many couples require multiple attempts.  These costs are not covered by insurance either.

Uconceive is an affordable first step option for couples trying to get pregnant.

This article was written and brought to you by Uconceive. Any claims should be verified on Uconceive’s site.


Saturday 11th of May 2013

My friend has been trying to conceive for a long time.

Angel Scovill-Tobyne

Friday 10th of May 2013

My husband and I have been trying for a year and could use all the help we can get, hoping we win <3

Lauren Harmon

Friday 10th of May 2013

We have been "trying" on and off since we were married in 2008... I have PCOS so it's been a difficult road but I'm hoping that one day our "result" will be worth it. :)

Shirley Greenawalt Zolenski

Friday 10th of May 2013

We have been trying for a few years now

Stacy T

Friday 10th of May 2013

We spent a year TTC, but then we stopped for a year. We are about to start trying again.

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