One of my very most favorite moments in looking back over the years of raising my babies so far is that very first laugh. You know, when your baby bursts out in a big giggle completely unexpectedly for the first time. That first laugh for our family was over 7 years ago, but I still watch the video clip we have that captured his little laugh, which still so much resembles his laugh today.
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Colief®. The opinions and text are all mine.
With all the challenges, there are of course times that we can’t help but just smile and wipes away the challenging times as we learn and grow right alongside our children into becoming parents. I’m not an expert, just a mom trying my best, but if I had to share a bit of wisdom with soon-to-be parents – here’s what I would share.
5 Tips for New Parents
Take Time to Stare – You’ll hear advice all the time to “sleep when your baby sleeps,” which definitely is great advice, but most of the time I would spend those moments when my infant was sleeping just caught up staring at this beautiful little baby laying in my arms. Those are the moments I remember the most. Not the feeling of how tired I was in between or remembering those mid-day naps. I remember laying with my baby memorizing their little faces.
Breath In, Breath Out – When you are stressed out by a crying baby or just not sure what to do, take a minute or two and just breathe. Put your baby somewhere safe like in their crib, and step away for a few minutes to refocus yourself. Remember that these moments don’t last forever and your little one needs you so try to be as calm and relaxed as you can be, despite their wails. Dance with your baby to your favorite tunes and focus on the music as you try to comfort your infant.
Use a Baby Carrier – An infant carrier can be a total lifesaver to help you get things done around the house. Nearly all babies love being strapped close to mom or dad and it frees up your arms to wash dishes, cook, rummage through your mail, or whatever needs to get done.
Capture Your Baby – You will never believe how fast those infant days will come and go until they’re gone. Do everything you can to document, memorize, remember, and capture those moments. I have a baby keepsake box from my very first child and opening up the box it still smells just like him as a newborn baby. The smells, sights and toys all remind me of those days that I really cherish everything in the box.
Trust in Yourself – Most importantly, you should trust in yourself. You are the only mother of that infant in your care – you will instinctively know more than you realize about what your child may need as you grow together. Advice from others can help give you direction, but when it starts to confuse you more than help, trust in your own ability as a mom and things will turn out just fine.
The very most stressful times for me as a new mom is facing your crying baby with a clean diaper, well fed, and not in need of a nap or in pain and wondering without a clue what they need. If you are facing a baby with Colic, Colief Infant Drops may help. There is no known cause of colic, but it is believed that some babies have difficulty digesting the lactose in either breast milk or infant formula, and this is where the Colief Infant Drops can help. The drops contain a lactase enzyme that helps baby to digest lactose. A study summary in American Family Physician showed that up to 28% of all infants experience colic – or repeated episodes of excessive and inconsolable crying in an infant that is otherwise in perfect health” – so it’s important to know what to look for.
Amy Desrosiers
Thursday 7th of August 2014
I dint think I ever lived in the moment when my kids were babies. Wish I had though!!
Robin (Masshole Mommy)
Thursday 7th of August 2014
I used to love to just watch my boys when they were babies. We'd sit in the rocking chair and I would just watch them being perfect.