Like most parents I am amazed by how quickly my babies grow up. I said to my husband the other day, “How is it the last 8 weeks of pregnancy seem to last for years, yet you have your baby and you blink and they are two months old!?” It is absolutely amazing how fast they learn, grow, and change.
That being said, I have learned to try to capture as much of that sweet newborn stage to keep forever in the form of photographs. Here are ten photos I try to snag with each of my kiddos.
I recieved samples and compensation for this post, all opinions are my own.
Meet The Parents– I absolutely love those first moments with my baby. It is always such an emotional time. While I have never had a photographer present at my children’s births, I always have my husband snap some photos in those first moments. But even more than my first moments, I adore watching my husband meet our babies. I have had nine months to get to know them, I feel like our meeting is like that of old friends. For him it is a whole new love. I have this exact same picture of my husband meeting each of my three children and I treasure each one of them.
Hospital Bands– Get those sweet little bands in a picture some how. It is amazing just how tiny they are!
First Bath- They either love or hate them, but that first bath is something you will want to remember. For me it always seems to fall through the cracks of trying to nurse and taking care of myself and the hustle and bustle of that first day in the hospital. But the photos always remind me of that first scrub!
Through The Bed- Hospital beds make for a beautiful light filter.
Hands and Feet– Is there anything better than baby hands and feet?! They are just so sweet and small. My kids always seem to have giant hands compared to the rest of them when they are brand new, I love to capture that.
Going Home Outfit- You know you spent too much time and money on that little ensemble, make sure you capture just how perfect it was before they spit up all over it.
Meeting the Siblings- Ahh my mama heart bursts when I look back on these moments.
Tears- Newborn cries are so sweet. They seem to try so hard to produce such a small amount of sound.
Swaddled- A little burrito baby, I adore them all wrapped up.
Sleepy Smiles- Before you get those real, social smiles from your baby, you get the to die for sleepy happiness from a content babe. These have got to be a tie for my favorite thing about newborns, right up there next to the snuggles.
Now how to keep these pictures visible and accessible? Many of these photos were taken with my cell phone. It is always handy and I use it for my everyday photography. As a new mom of three I really don’t have time to whip out my DSLR as much as I would like to. I also don’t have time to upload my photos, make them in to books or scrapbooks, and send them to the printer.
Thank goodness for Photolane. Photolane is a free app I have on my iPhone that allows me to take the photos and videos from my phone and have them quickly printed into a BEAUTIFUL lay-flat photo books. I really wish these photos could show you just how stunning this book is in person. They are fast to make and arrive at your door even faster. I put my book together with one hand while nursing my baby, I ordered it on a Friday, and it was on my doorstep on Tuesday!
The app is easily navigated, you can just swipe pictures to rearrange them. Each 8×8 book can hold up to 100 photos in different arrangements you choose. I chose to keep mine simple with just large single photo pages. You can add captions and even add videos through QR codes! Super cool.
This book is impeccably made. My mom was unable to be here when my baby was born, and when I showed her my Photolane book she was moved to tears. It is such a gorgeous, classic way to capture all of your beautiful memories.
What are your must take pictures and how do you preserve them?
Nancy @ Whispered Inspirations
Monday 25th of May 2015
What beautiful memories to capture. I took most of these but some I missed!
Dandi D
Monday 25th of May 2015
This is a really good idea--I will have to remember this for our next one.
Sunday 24th of May 2015
Oh so much cuteness is these pictures. I can barely stand it. I want to make some photo books. All my pictures are on disks right now
Saturday 23rd of May 2015
Oh my goodness, the idea of adding video is such a great great idea. I loved all your tips and pinned them.
Nicole Dziedzic
Friday 22nd of May 2015
So cool that it uses QR codes! I love this! Going to have to try this out for sure. We have so many unorganized photos we need to do something with.