Going away to college can be a fun and exciting time, while also being expensive and nerve wracking. With all of the things to think about and plan for, you might miss something. This may have a few things that you may not have thought of yet.
This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.
Where will you be living? Most students figure they will be living in the dorms. Dorms are not the only option. If the school is close to home, staying at home isn’t the most fun choice, but it is the most cost effective. Apartments near the school are a good idea too. They may allow for more living space, privacy or even just a pool, gym and extra freedom.
What are the details of your living arrangements? Will you be living with a roommate? Living with a roommate can cut down on the cost of living expenses. They can pay half of the bills, provide half of the furnishings and buy half of the food.
How will you furnish your living space? Furnishing a new place is one of the most expensive parts of moving. There are several ways to go about furnishing a new space. Family hand-me-downs are my personal favorite. My other favorite is yard sale finds. Some pieces just need a make-over. There is also, furniture rental places like CORT Furniture Rentals, or bargain stores like Ikea. The school dorms may also be furnished already.
Whatever your decisions, be sure to choose what is best for the student and the family. Careful not to do anything that will be financially harmful. We would love to hear your view on choices for preparing for college. Help us figure out some of the best choices people like you are making out there, by filling out our short 11-question survey. These results will go on to newspapers, magazines and the like, to help families like yours better prepare for the choices they’ll need to make.
Take a minute and fill out our supper short survey by clicking the link below. Thanks in advance for your participation in helping many families make decisions about their college experience. Click here to take the survey.
Then, come back in a few weeks when we will be sharing the results of the completed survey!
Thursday 27th of August 2015
Something to consider when thinking about living off campus is that many schools require students to live in the dorms for the first year (sometimes two) unless the student is living at their parents home or is married and/or has a child.
Lena Burkut
Wednesday 26th of August 2015
WOW - I can't even start thinking about it. I am still on the first grade level!
Wednesday 26th of August 2015
Im glad our kids are going local. It saves so much to be able to still live at home.
Wednesday 26th of August 2015
I wish I had been better prepared before I started college. These are such helpful tips!
Wednesday 26th of August 2015
I had so many questions when I started college. I wish I had been better prepared!