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Summer Activities for Kids – Fun cheap things to do!

We have been waiting a long time for summer and it is finally here! Now that summer has arrived, make the most of it by planning fun activities you can enjoy as a family throughout your summer days without breaking the bank. My kids love the show Phineas & Ferb which shows the adventure of two kids set on packing their summer break full of fun and crazy adventures. They spent their summer building a backyard roller coaster, becoming one-hit wonders, setting up a circus, carving their own Mount Rushmore and many more adventures. While their over-the-top summer plans aren’t really realistic there still are tons of ways you can make this year’s summer break memorable and have a blast without spending tons of money!

Summer Activities for Kids

Summer Activities for Kids


Summer Activities for Kids

Summer Movies – Most movie theaters offer a series of summer movies usually for $1-2 per movie! It’s a lot of fun to get out of the house and see a movie on the big screen. You can also visit your local library and pick up new releases and other great movies and books for free and watch them from the comfort of your own home.

Backyard Games – Get the kids to spend some time outside getting fresh air, exercise, and burning off some of their endless energy. Try classic favorites like make a hopscotch game with sidewalk chalk, create your own obstacle course, set up a game of croquet, or make a treasure hunt!

Cool off with Water – Blow up a kiddie pool which will provide hours of fun every day and cool off the kids, too. For more ways to cool off try running through the sprinklers, start a water fight, or wash the car (adult supervision recommended).

Staycation or Road Trip – Many of us like to head off on a family vacation during the summer months. You can make your summer travel more affordable by looking for great day trips to visit around your town. We’ve visited many of the local attractions around Phoenix and always love exploring and discovering more around our city. For a staycation, look for something within a few hour drive to avoid having to stay at a hotel over night. Or, plan a road trip to a nearby city or state. For road trips, look for somewhere around 4-8 hours drive from home.


More Fun Cheap Things to Do This Summer

  • Hiking
  • Go for a Bike Ride
  • Red Light, Green Light
  • Mother May I
  • Create a board or card game
  • Ring Around the Rosey
  • Tag / Freeze Tag
  • Build a sand castle
  • Hide and go Seek
  • Jump Rope
  • Write a book or comic strip
  • Blanket Fort
  • Jumping Jacks
  • Fly a kite
  • Tie Dye a Shirt
  • Plant a Garden
  • Build a Box House
  • Marbles & Jacks
  • Bowling
  • Miniature Golf
  • Build a Bridge with toothpicks and glue


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What summer fun do you have planned this year?

Disclosure: Compensation was provided by State Farm via Glam Media.  The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of State Farm

Jutta Pearce

Friday 21st of June 2013

I am hoping to be able to take my kids to see Crater Lake!

McKenzie Kuhns

Thursday 20th of June 2013

I remember spending my summers outside doing various activities with the boys of the neighborhood. I was the only girl out there and we all had so much fun racing each other around the block, playing street hockey, the boys teaching me how to skate board, etc. I will never forget those summers! Not a mom yet, but I cannot wait for the day when I get to plan summer activities! There will be lots of trips to the beach planned, hikes, and trips to the aquarium :)


Tuesday 18th of June 2013

Love backwards days! WE make daily trips to the park, even if its just for 5 minutes, love being outside.

Katrina Jacobs

Tuesday 18th of June 2013

We frequent the local splash pad pretty often. It's a public park with a water area for kids.


Sunday 16th of June 2013

Great ideas - we used to love when a backwards day was declared - clothes on backward, calling each other by names said in reverse, playing board games to see who would get to the beginning first or who would be the "last winner", eating dinner for breakfast and breakfast for dinner - great for a rainy day especially when I would declare and organize time rather than a free time period - always ended up with a better playroom!

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