We each have our own talents, strengths, and ways we can inspire those around us to do something to stretch and grow in a variety of areas in our life. This past weekend I was able to attend Bloggy Boot Camp here in Phoenix for a business edition of their conference. I had an absolutely fabulous time and gained so much from a full roster of really great and inspiring speakers. I learned about the power of supporting each other and collaborating. I learned about the power of just being uniquely you with whatever interests, talents, and qualifications that may bring. I made some new friends and got to connect with people I had conversations with through email or other social channels. It was a really great conference that I know has inspired me to build on my own strengths while supporting those around me, too.
That is why I’m so excited to share that I will be starting a linky party to showcase your hard work and inspirational posts. I’m looking forward to seeing the ways we can all inspire each other to get out and do something great, create something amazing, or learn something new. I’m going to start this week by sharing my favorite post from each of my co-hosts blogs to show you a peek at what amazing work they create and get the ball rolling. In future weeks, I will be showcasing your hard work with backlinks to your site to bring you more traffic and exposure so be sure to link up your best post from this past week!
This Mama Loves shares a simple and easy way to cook carrots using sprite! I actually really like cooked carrots but getting my children to eat them is a whole different story. I’m looking forward to trying out her recipe!
Eco Baby Mama Drama speaks of the importance of organic food and teaches us about a really important measure heading to a vote that will determine where our tax dollars go towards helping farmers. You can be inspired to DO something good and join the pledge in support of organic farmers.
Let’s get started sharing what we are passionate about and be inspired by those around us as well! Here’s all the details for our weekly linky party.
What: A place to share what you’ve been working on. We are looking for posts or projects that help inspire, motivate to create, or prompt us to get up and do something more. We love to see recipes, crafts, DIY, social good, blogging tips, holiday ideas, and so much more!
Where: This link party is hosted by A Mom’s Take, This Mama Loves, and Eco Baby Mama Drama. You will be able to link up at any one of our three sites.
When: The link party goes live every Monday at Noon EST. It will be open for entries through midnight Wednesday to give you over 2 full days to share your links.
Why: Linking up will give you additional exposure to your posts and may even be featured on one of our three blogs! Each week all three hosts pick out our five of the linked up submissions to be featured with a link back to your post! Each of us has a different way of how we select the featured posts so you never know if it might be you!
*** Important note: By linking your post here you give us permission to use an image and introduction to your post with a link back crediting you for your hard work on either our weekly linky party posts or in round-up style posts. We do this to help show off your work and share great content with our readers! ***
We really appreciate a link back to the linky party or including our button on your site. This helps us to spread the word and bring even more exposure to your hard work!
Kristen Bobbitt
Monday 15th of April 2013
Thanks for the linky. Where can we grab the button code?