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Dr. Seuss Kids Lunch Box Ideas

Dr. Seuss is a beloved author who made us all smile as children, and he probably makes your children smile now. If you really want to surprise your kids with Dr. Seuss fun, use these kids lunch box ideas with all the Dr. Seuss fun. Here are some great and easy tips to make that happen.
Dr Seuss Kids Lunch Box Ideas

Dr. Seuss Kids Lunch Box Ideas pinit fg en rect red 28

Dr. Seuss Kids Lunch Box Ideas

Green Eggs and Ham – You knew this was coming, right? It’s so easy to do! Just hard-boil an egg, dye it green with Easter egg dye, and serve it alongside a piece of diced ham. Serve with one of these great sides to make it even more fun.

Seuss Cheese – Cut out the letters “Seuss” and place them on top of crackers. You can do this with a knife, scissors, or small stencils or cookie cutters. Try doing different colored cheese (like yellow and white) to make it pop.

Cat in the Hat Snacks

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Fruit Hats – The Cat in the Hat is a classic that is easily recognizable. Make the cat’s hat out of strawberries and banana slices. Place a strawberry on a long kebob, then place a banana slice on the kebob, then a strawberry slice, and so on- ending in a strawberry slice- to make the striped hat.

Thing 1 Snacks

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Thing One and Thing Two Desserts – Grab some marshmallows and blueberry yogurt. Label the marshmallows with the number 1 and 2 using sprinkles and very slightly wetting the marshmallow to make the sprinkles stick. Use the tip of your finger to wet the marshmallow. Then top them with swirls of blue yogurt to look like the Thing siblings hair. Place all of these in Bento style lunch containers and serve together to make a well-rounded, yet very creative and colorful, Dr. Seuss lunch.

Want more fun lunchbox inspiration? Head over to see this Sesame Street Lunch Box!

Sesame Street School Lunch Salad

Sesame Street Salad Kit

What creative ideas can you come up with to fill a Dr. Seuss kids lunch box?

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