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What to Talk About on a Date with your Spouse – 50 Conversation Prompts!

You’re happily married, you love your spouse, but then you find yourself one day staring across from each other at a night out to dinner without much to talk about. Use one of these prompts to kickstart the conversation again and kindle your relationship.

Ever find yourselves stuck in a conversation rut while out on a date night? You finally get that moment away from the kids, and then you wonder what you have to talk about (besides the rascals!). Here are 50 conversation prompts to rekindle your relationship with your spouse!

Reminisce About the Past

1. What was your favorite date we’ve ever done?

2. What details do you remember about when we met?

3. Share your love story with strangers.

4. If you could do-over something from the past, what would you change?

5. Share a past memory you think about often.

6. What is your favorite memory from our wedding day?

7. Retell your earliest memories you can remember.

8. Which one of our dates would you love to do again?

9. What has changed about me since we got married?

10. What did you expect your life would be like at this age? How is it the same/different?


50 conversation prompts for your next date night with your spouse!

Live in the Present

11. What was the hardest thing you faced this week?

12. Is there anything difficult coming up for you that I can help with?

13. Jot down a journal entry about your week, then share them outloud.

14. Make a meal plan together.

15. What are you looking forward to?

16. What was different about today?

17. Detail your favorite moments from the day.

18. Discuss a challenge that came up at work.

19. What are your top 3 tasks you must get done tomorrow?

20. Share your most recent dream/nightmare and all the zany details you can recall.


Looking for conversation starters for your next date night? Here are 50 prompts for talking with your husband about the future, goals and plans, and more!

Dream for the Future

21. What do you think our life will look like a year from now?

22. What would you like from our lives in the next 5 years?

23. Draw a picture of your future home/job/vacation/self-portrait, then share!

24. Where would you like to go on our next vacation?

25. Make a list of the top 10 places you’d love to travel together.

26. Discuss places you wouldn’t mind living, with their pros and cons.

27. List out dream jobs you’d love to hold.

28. Design a perfect floor plan for your lifestyle.

29. Who do you aspire to be like?

30. What is something you are afraid of happening in your future?


Plan and Discuss Goals

31. Do you want to change anything about our lives?

32. What is something you’d like to work on as a family?

33. Make a list of the big purchase you’d like to make in the next year. Plan and save for your top item.

34. Make a plan for retirement (financial or otherwise).

35. Write down goals for each other, then pick one from your spouse’s list you will strive to improve!

36. What are you worried about failing at?

37. Pick a family word for the year that will inspire you in your goals and plans!

38. Write down a short-term goal (something you can complete in a month or less) and outline an action plan of how you can complete it. Hold each other accountable.

39. Share how you hope to improve/succeed in your career field.

40. Decide on a self-improvement book you can read and study together.

50 conversation prompts for your next date night with your spouse!


Discover Something New About Them

41. What’s your current favorite song on the radio?

42. Share something you’ve been holding in.

43. Talk about recent social media news that interest you, and discuss why.

44. Discuss current events and how each other feels about the event.

45. Try new foods together, and then talk about what they liked and disliked.

46. What is a talent you would love to develop?

47. Play 2 truths and a lie. See how well you know your spouse.

48. Go through the alphabet alternating letters and name things based on a topic prompt like favorite animals or hidden talents.

49. Who are you envious of, and why?

50. If you could only have one more (candy/food/vacation/friend/etc) available to you for the rest of your life, what would you choose?

Want fun date night ideas? We’ve got a bunch of great date ideas you’ll love! Head over next to see our post on 50 Unique Date Ideas.

50 Unique Date Ideas

What topics do you and your spouse typically talk about on your date nights? Leave your ideas in the comments to add to this list!


Friday 29th of January 2016

Love all of these! Thanks so much for sharing with us at #merrymonday!

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