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Ladybug rocks for your garden

Ladybug rocks for your garden?

Ladybug Garden Rocks

Who doesn’t need a herd of ladybugs in their garden.  If you ask any child, they will tell you, We ALL need a herd somewhere in our yard.

DIY Garden Ladybugs

This is how you go about collecting a herd of ladybug rocks.  You first start off with a trip to the beach, riverbed, backyard rock pile, which ever of those meets your needs.  I like the beach best, just because it makes the children more ready for a nap after lunch.  I try and help them choose rocks that are smooth and bug shaped.  They sometimes have different ideas about what that looks like, but we just go for it.

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Then we paint our rocks with a base coat of sealer paint to make the colored paint stick better and last longer when out in the yard.  Next we pick a color for our ladybugs.

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One child chose red and the other thought green bugs would be nice.  Who can tell what they will want… Just go with it.

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Next, I take a sharpie for the smaller children and draw in the face lines and back body marks so they can just fill it in with black paint.  They both did a really good job at this. I was kind of surprised how well that worked.

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Then to make the dots, I look around for something to stamp with.  We used the bottom of a small squeeze bottle for the large dots and the end of a paint brush for the smaller ones.  You just make a small puddle, or the inside of the lid works good to stamp your paint from.  They dip the end of the brush into the paint in the lid, then stamp it onto the ladybug where they want the spots.  It works really well this way and makes nice round dots.  We do the same for the whites of the eyes.  You have to let them dry before you add the black spots for the pupils.  Then you a have ladybug rocks.

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These were the ones I did for my garden.

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And here is the whole herd of ladybug rocks for your garden.  They are making their way out to a spot in the yard flower garden, just stopping of the porch for a photo shoot.  I hope you and your children enjoy making a herd.  I would love to see a picture.  Have a great Summer.  Granny


Wednesday 23rd of July 2014

Thanks for linking up to Tip Me Tuesday linky party. {knuckle bumps} Did you know that I can “lend” your blog posts my Google page rank for better search engine traffic? {fabulous} If you upload at least 2 images, 2 steps, and blog post URL into your Tip Junkie craft room, you’ll be in business! {wink} ~ Laurie {a.k.a. the Tip Junkie}

Denise Taylor-Dennis

Sunday 14th of July 2013

This is such a cute idea my son loves painting so I know he would love this idea.

Stephanie Bondlow

Thursday 11th of July 2013

I am inspired by this. I am definitely going to do this in my garden. My kids will love this project.

Jamie Howe

Wednesday 10th of July 2013

I love this idea, and when my daughter gets a little older we will be sure to try it. Thanks for the great idea!

LuAnn Braley

Wednesday 10th of July 2013

Granny, you rock. I have a feeling we are going to be having a ladybug invasion here, very, VERY soon!


Wednesday 10th of July 2013

I would love to see them when you are done.

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