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5 Reasons Kids Should Play Sports

Kids these days are often over scheduled and sometimes overwhelmed. As a parent, I want my kids to be involved with extracurricular activities, but I want to make sure they are involved in the right ones for the right reasons. When my kids started playing soccer this year I did a lot of research and reading about why organized sports and activities are so good for children. Here are a few of the reasons I think playing sports can be so good for a child’s social, mental, and physical development.

I received compensation for this post, all ideas and opinions are my own.


Teamwork- Being a part of something that is bigger than yourself is always a good thing. As a team you work together to achieve a common goal. You win together and you loose together. You learn that your choices affect others and you learn to deal with how other’s choices affect you. Learning to think outside of yourself goes a long way in relationships and life situations.


Physical Activity- We have heard all the facts and lectures over and over again, but learning at a young age that taking care of all aspects of your body is important is a vital skill. Kids who are physically active are proven to be more alert and engaged, they make better eating choices, they are more healthy and more happy.


Independence- As parents, it can be hard to let go of our control from time to time, but it is essential that we do so. When kids go to school and when they play on sports teams they get time away from parents to grow and learn on their own. It gives them independence. It also gives parents the perfect opportunity to support and encourage their independence by allowing them to take to the sidelines.


Learn To Lose- Losing is such a hard concept in life. No one wants to lose. Not their job, not their friend, not their favorite game. But at some point in everyone’s life they will lose, learning how to react and learn from a loss is something every child should have to handle.


Perseverance- Sports can be really tough. Practices are long and hard. You might not get along with your teammates or coach, you might want to quit, but persevering when things get tough is a life skill every person needs.

Organized sports provide our kids with so many positive opportunities for growth, but they can also be overwhelming as a parent or coach. Keeping a team roster and schedules, remembering practices, organizing tournaments, it is a lot to stay on top of in addition to the rest of life! Guys. TeamSnap is a game changer (pardon the pun).


TeamSnap is an online management tool for sports and groups that takes every possible aspect of team organization, simplifies it and makes it available to everyone. You can manage rosters, communicate news and schedules, share photos and even collect fees through TeamSnap.  Because it is available on your computer, smartphone or tablet, it is always accessible. With plans ranging from the low price of free to just pennies per team member per month, it is essential for every group or team.


Here in Alaska, we deal with some crazy variables when it comes to outdoor activities. It can be a beautiful sunny day and suddenly be pouring. You can show up to the field to find moose hanging out on the goal lines who have no intention of moving anytime soon. TeamSnap makes it easy to alert team members of weather cancelations or location changes quickly and efficiently.


TeamSnap is not just for sports teams. You can also use it for church groups, school clubs, friends, book clubs, you get the idea. The list goes on an on. I am so excited to use TeamSnap more next season, it is one of those tools you wonder how you ever lived without!

Do you have a team or group that could use TeamSnap?

Toni |

Tuesday 1st of November 2016

I agree to all of these! Being active in sports can really help a lot in our child's development. Thanks for sharing!

Amanda West

Tuesday 1st of November 2016

I love the idea of sports! Started my 8 year old in baseball this year, wish we did it sooner.

Claudia Krusch

Tuesday 1st of November 2016

These are all great reasons why kids should play with sports. It helps build the skills they will need as they grow up. Loved your post!


Tuesday 1st of November 2016

These are all great reasons why kids should get involved with sports. It helps build on the fundamentals they will need as they grow up.

Dawn McAlexander

Tuesday 1st of November 2016

Our daughter played both soccer and basketball growing up. She was never a huge sports fan, but she made a lot of new friends by playing sports.

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